Tim Hortons Morning Tidbits
Human Rights Abuse: A Selective Policy
The Raeside Cartoon ( October 9, 2013) in the Times Colonist this morning makes an important point about how we choose our battles. It is always better to pick a small PR battle you might gain some points than to pick a big battle you know you will lose big time.
Smokers, An Endangered Species
The CRD in Victoria seems set to introduce some strict new rules concerning smoking in public places. In addition to all the usual prohibitions (restaurants, bars, work place, in cars with children, etc.) and recently extended to public parks and beaches. It will not be long before smoking in a public place (e.g. parking lot, sidewalk, etc) will be taboo. This may seem harsh, but on a recent visit to Kyoto, Japan, a city of 1.47 million, smoking in all public areas is prohibited (that includes all streets and parks).
On October 1, the price of a cartoon of cigarettes when up by $2.00 bringing the package cost closer to $10.00. Later in my smoking life, I sometimes smoked two packages a day, so today I would fork over up to $600 a month ($7,200 per annum), a tidy sum. Having been a long term smoker (age 1 5 – 45), I finally chucked the habit and have never looked back. That’s a lot of dollars in my pocket, to say nothing of the health in my lungs.
Fifty years ago about half the population of Canada smoked on a regular basis, but today that number has dropped to 17% nationwide and to 14% in BC. In the Victoria Capital Region, only 11% light up. Perhaps the lower rate in BC can be explained by the number of high (oops, I mean, high number) of marihuana smokers. (Details and statistics from Jack Knox, Times Colonist, October 9, 2013).
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