RCMP Face Lockout in British Columbia

RCMP Members Face Lockout in BC (file photo)
The following ‘alternate’ news report was written after the recent dust-up between BC and Ottawa over RCMP contract services in BC. In the following ‘News Release”, our political leaders have been given Management and Labour Association roles befitting the dispute:
1 Vic Toews, Federal Minister for Public Safety (Conservative), spokesperson for the powerful Federal Employers Group2 administering RCMP contracts across Canada.
Shirely Bond, Solicitor General for BC (Liberal), the spokesperson for the BC Employees Group providing service across BC.
3 Jaspir Sandhu, an Ottawa based, Public Service Safety Critic (NDP), a left-leaning group supporting Employees.
For Immediate Release
Victoria, British Columbia
September 28, 2011
RCMP Threaten Strike
In a surprise move yesterday, the RCMP in Ottawa, operating under the direction of the Federal Employers Association (a Conservative Group) threatened to withdraw all contract policing services in British Columbia. The threat comes at a particularly bad time as any widespread disruption of police services could have an adverse effect upon the fragile economic recovery.
A spokesperson for the RCMP Employers Association, Vic Toews,1 stated the employers have already negotiated contracts with employees in Alberta and Saskatchewan and that employees in British Columbia will simply have to follow suit or the services of the RCMP will be withdrawn in British Columbia.
Toews stated: “They (AB and SK) find the (contract conditions) to be reasonable and now the other provinces will have to make the decision, whether they want to go with the RCMP as their provincial police or whether they want to do something else and that’s their choice.”
A spokesperson of the British Columbia Employees Association, Shirley Bond2, was taken aback by the statements, stating her group will not bow to the pressure tactics any federal employer group. Bond stated negotiations have been ongoing for the past two years but the employers have been increasingly intransigent, particularly since signing contracts in Alberta and Saskatchewan. It appears to be another case of divide and conquer on the part of the RCMP Employers Association.
According to Bond, a key issue in British Columbia is gaining back control from the employers. Over the past contract period, the employers have simply been running the shop and the employees are no longer willing to sit back and accept that as the status quo.
Jasbir Sandhu3 a public service safety critic (in opposition), stated: “Is pulling police off the streets of British Columbia part of (the employers) tough-on-crime agenda?” Other spokespersons with the employees stated that if the RCMP Employers Association in Ottawa follows through with their threat to pull police off the streets of British Columbian, the Employees will seriously consider moving back to a ‘made at BC, Police Service?
Many other employee groups across the country are now backing Bond, stating the federal employers have gained far to much control and, in addition, the ongoing political infighting and scandals that have wracked RCMP have emanated from the highest levels in Ottawa, and that is detracting from the high standards British Columbia desires to promote within the police service.
Meanwhile, in Ottawa, it would not be surprising to see the majority Conservatives who run the Employers Association, might lock-out the RCMP in BC if they don’t sign off on a new contract within the next week or two.
Harold McNeill

Shirley Bond and the BC Union of Municipalities served notice on the Ottawa based RCMP Employees Group that unless they return to the table for some ‘good faith’ bargaining, they will be sent packing. The RCMP could be out and a Provincial Force on its way in as early as the New Year.
Globe and Mail.
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