Investigation of the Office of Police Complaints Commissioner
Photo (2015): Richard Rosenthal, Chief Civilian Director of the Office of the Police Complaints Commission.
Since being formed 30 months ago with a staff of 32 investigators and 18 civilians, 22 have either been fired or have resigned. During that period the Government has ordered at least three investigations into the operation and, as well, severance packages totalling $187,000 have been given to some who have departed. Where did it all go wrong?
UPDATE TO THIS ARTICLE: “Police watchdog Stan Lowe rides a ‘sea of change’ (Times Colonist, February 14, 2015): What a difference an inspired leader can make in an organization. Check out his article about Stan Lowe who has just completed six years as head of the B.C. Police Complaint Commission (BCPC) and has been appointed to another four year term. Following is one quote from the TC article:
“The OPCC works separately from the Independent Investigations Office, which was created in September 2012 to investigate police-involved deaths or serious injuries where the officer could face criminal charges. In cases where the Independent Investigations Office finds no criminal wrongdoing, the OPCC can still investigate for misconduct which could result in discipline, ranging from a written reprimand or training courses to more serious sanctions, such as a demotion or discharge.
The OPCC has a budget of just over $3 million and is staffed by 17 people, about half former police officers and half civilians. Lowe has said his staff has worked together “seamlessly.”
That short paragraph says it all and when you compare the operation of the BCPC to that of the OPCC (as outlined in the post below). There is a world of difference.
Two long articles appeared in the Times Colonist this morning (February 8, 2015) about high turnover and reported administrative dysfunction within the police watchdogs office. While the turnover is extremely high, it was difficult to discern whether employee complaints were justified or whether there was just a ‘culture clash’ between the civilian leader Richard Rosenthal and ex-police officers and civilians hired to staff the organization.
It was not until near the end of the second article, Morale Went Down Fast (A4), written by Times Colonist reporter Katie DeRosa, I came upon this paragraph:
“Rosenthal kept a plaque in his IIO office that featured a mugshot of a police officer arrested during a corruption case that led to charges against 70 Los Angeles police officers in the Rampart division’s anti-gang section. Rosenthal was deputy district attorney in Los Angeles at the time and helped expose the corruption.” DeRosa continued: “Many former police officers with the IIO found that mugshot offensive.”
Police members found that mug shot offensive? No kidding? That mugshot speaks volumes about the lack of professionalism on the part of the IIO Director. For a man holding an extremely sensitive job that seeks to ensure complaints against police are investigated in a fair and unbiased manner, that mug shot is not a good starting point.
Citizens of every community in Canada, including officers who serve those communities, realize that some police officers do not maintain the high standard expected of them and that on occasion some falling below the threshold may even commit a criminal offences. But, we also know that the vast majority of police officers are trustworthy and work in organizations that are generally, but not always, free from political interference. We have an exceptionally good system of policing.
It seems that Mr. Rosenthal ‘cut his teeth’ in US jurisdictions (Denver, Portland and Los Angeles) where the standards of behaviour were not always maintained and perhaps he thought a mugshot of an LAPD police officer hanging in his office was appropriate and would send the right message. Well, I don’t think many would agree as it clearly demonstrates, to his police employees at least, that he does not understand the ‘culture’ of community policing in Canada.
The sooner Mr. Rosenthal packs his bags and heads back to a jurisdiction the better suits his world view, the better. I suggest the BC Government cut their loses, fire the man and get on with finding a qualified Canadian to oversee the operation. Police in BC and the communities they serve need to be assured that the organization tasked with investigating complaints against police, is doing so in an even handed manner.
Note: Another example of a leader or potential leader doing something that strikes me as being completely at odds with the holding of public office was an action by the current Mayor of Saanich. In a You Tube post, Mayor Atwell dressed in a Nazi Uniform, used the Nazi salute and otherwise acted as if he were a Nazi Officer expressing displeasure with the path the sewage disposal process has followed within the CRD. Of course, after being elected to officer, Atwell removed the video, but the fact he did it in the first place suggests poor judgement. We shall see…
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