Santa Claus and Rudolph: New Plans and Directions?
The above scene is from 2016. This year (2020) we have moved Santa’s workshop back to this location in a slightly altered form.
Location: 4402 Leney Place at Viaduct Ave East (off Viewmont, behind the Royal Oak Shopping Centre)
November 23, 2020. Over the past couple of weeks, we have been busy adding new home crafted decorations on the tree at the corner. These decorations were made from laser-cut items along with odds and sods from our laser leftovers box. Lynn McNeill (Santa’s helper) is a whiz at whipping these crafts together, then painting the pieces of 1/8th inch plywood (photo below). The ornaments range in size from 6 – 11 inches.
For a full line of art kits produced by the rest of Santa’s team at the McTavish Academy of Art (1720 Mctavish Road, North Saanich) link to their web site.
December 14, 2013, 4402 Leney Place, Saanich, B.C.
(A Note from Santa Claus and his wife Angelina)
Santa Claus and Rudolph: New Plans and Directions?
A message from Mr. and Mrs. Clause
Hello Santa Believers,
The new Santa Workshop and Team Training Area are ready. Just to let you know, Mrs. Clause and I have stepped back from full-time work but we will be around to manage this new shop while my younger brother, Kris Kringle, takes over delivery duty his new sleigh. Rudolf’s oldest son, Rudolph Junior, will now lead the team. The full story of these changes is posted in the October story below. Many thanks to all the animals, elves and young people who worked day and night to get things ship-shape for the new season.
In the current shop set up, a small pathway leads to a photo area in front of the Workshop. If you email a copy of your photo to, it will be posted and linked to the blog story. If anyone wishes to leave a note for Kris Kringle, Rudolph, or one of the other deer or workers, please place it in Santa’s Mailbox. Answers will be posted in the comments section of this post. You may also post your comment below.
You are invited to walk up to the front door of the workshop, but please stay within the confines of the path
In the past the McNeill Family have set aside various nights for Carol Singing, Hot Chocolate and Marshmallows Roasting “on an open fire” but due to the current COVID19 lockdown, we are just happy to have you drive by and enjoy the scene.
The display will be open from dusk until 1:00 am daily and on weekends until January 2, 2021. The tree on the corner will remain lite until the Covid19 lockdown is over.
The best of the season to you and your family.
Santa and Angelina Clause
October 28, 2013: Original Story (continues)
Graham and Harold’s Magical Christmas Adventure
Photo (Web Source, with a few Photoshop adjustments). In the mind’s eye Graham Hill makes his first
attempt at running the Skookumchuck Narrows. Gery Lemon preferred to stay on dry land. (December 2017)
Dear Graham and Gery,
While this post was written a month earlier, with the slideshow now complete it is time to go live. Rather than putting the slideshow at the end, it will be used as an introduction in an attempt to capture the spirit of the trip.
It was an amazing time, one I shall always cherish as it seems demands of life have conspired against finding that one-on-one time that only a trip like this can provide. Graham, you are an exceptional man, an easy conversationalist and your depth of knowledge on so many subjects are inspiring. Also, as you will no doubt agree, we have not only been gifted with the most amazing life partners, we also have a string of children, grandchildren and many friends who bring endless joy to our lives as we have moved along each successive stage. We could not have scripted our lives for a better result.
As for the following travel story, while I did not take any notes I hope that most of the family facts about your earlier life are correct and as for the make-believe stuff, that is simply a couple of old guys who remain daydream believers.
In preparing the final slideshow, the two of you will notice that I have plucked a dozen photographs from your respective Facebook pages to add flavour. Later, I will post all the photos on the open-access McNeill Life Stories Facebook Page so individual copies can be accessed at leisure.
In closing, many thanks to Herb Craig and Ann Skeltcher for their overnight hospitality on that lonely stretch of highway that leads to the hinterlands of the Sechelt Peninsula. There is nothing like good friends, a hot meal, glass of wine and a warm bed to take away the sting out of a hard day on the trail.
Your friend,
(January 16, 2016)
Individual photos of the Christmas Adventure now posted.
Another event involving Gery and Graham may be linked here: Gery Lemon Achieves New Milestone
Blog Post of Another Recent Event Harold and Graham attended: Wow! Another Slideshow
Forever Young – Music by Joan Baez
1. A Narrow Escape
Tragedy Narrowly Averted on Leney Place
December, 2015. Crash Scene (AP File Photo) Before anyone panics and begins speculating about what caused the crash on Leney Place last week, please read the following information outlined in another version of The Night Before Christmas. It provides a few answers that should alleviate your immediate concerns. Some think it was pilot error (as usual), but it seems the weather played a large roll.
Summary of Known Details
New Years Eve 2013: Brentwood Inn
New Years Eve: Esther and Garth, Harold and Lynn ready to head out.
It is truly a joy when the kids volunteer to stay home and let the old folks head out for a night on the town on New Years Eve. Of course the kids gave us a stern warning about “drinking and driving” and told us that if we felt we have had had to much, to just call home and one of the them would drive out to pick us up. Thank you to Jay and Jennifer, Kari and Grayson, Christine and Audrey for looking after things on the home front (Link Here). We will check in at the bewitching hour.
All the Best in the New Year, Mom, Dad, Garth and Esther
December 31, 2013: Brentwood Inn, Brentwood Bay, B.C.
As the hours and minutes ticked away towards midnight, Lucas J. Copplestone and Drew Betts continued to work their musical magic. It was not long before the entire Inn was rocking.
It was to be another New Years event where we met more of the parents of the kids you see in the photo below. It never ceases to amaze how inclusive these young people are. Over the years they are always encouraging their parents not only to attend, but to become fully involved whether it be a local events or on holidays to some other part of the world. Each is always anxious to introduce his or her parents to the parents of others as they are as proud of their parents as their parents are of them. Over the past several years it seems our family continues to grow in leaps and bounds.
Part of the younger side of the New Years 2013 Crew.
For a full set of New Years 2013 photos: Link Here
For a full set of New Years 2012 Photos: Link Here
(note: the 2012 photos are posted on my personal FB Page)
Other group celebrations from 2012
Purple Day Plane Pull: Link Here
Seaside Magazine Celebration: Link Here
New Orleans, Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean includes several albums: Link Here
A Celebration at Zajac Ranch includes several albums: Link Here
Of course, there were a good many other celebrations and destinations in 2013, many of which is posted on the McNeill Life Stories Facebook Page and on this Blog
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Above: Part of the Crew from New Years: (Guys Left to right) Drew Betts, Pete Patterson, Sean McNeill, Jeremy Nichele,
Joel Sherlock, Daniel Dent, Andrew Dunn
(Girls Left to Right) Jennifer Ann, Fiona Nightingale Harvey, Alysha Yakimishyn, Keira McCreath, Gemma Kyliuk
(More Photos below and in the attached album)
Photo Below: Santa dropped by on Christmas Eve
Well, we caught Santa making his rounds last night on his recently refurbished Harley Davidson (click photo to open). On closer inspection, this guy looked suspiciously like our neighbour Ted, but we could not be sure. In any case, it was very nice of him to stop and spend a few minutes and chat. Seems he was curious as to why we had so many reindeer and elves running around our property among all the Christmas lights.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all
from the McNeill Family
(Link here to 2011 Christmas Story)
Photo Courtesy of Nichele Studios (L to R) Chris, Audrey and Christine LeClair, Lynn McNeill, Kari Walker, Grayson Walker and Harold McNeill, Sean McNeill and Jay McNeill. Now we challenge you to figure out what is different in this picture from the original?
New Years Comments (From Facebook Post)
It was a great evening of family, friends, fun, food, music and entertainment at the Brentwood Inn as we bid farewell to that wonderful year of 2012 and welcomed with open arms a 2013 that promises to bring just as many new challenges and opportunities as did 2012. You can rest assured we worked very hard to make the transition as lively as possible.
The Staff at the Inn did an amazing job of keeping the crowd well supplied with food and drink while LJC on his non-stop turn-table brought the best of the best in music that kept the dance floor filled. His late evening rap song was a huge hit and demonstrated again just how versatile that young man is.
As added bonuses, Drew thrilled the crowd with his jazzed up Sax and Joel put on a break-dance display that was beyond impossible. Two hours later his friends were still trying to untangle the mass of legs and arms.
It was a great mix of young, the not so young and dozens of inbetweeners who shared in the evening of merriment.
Thanks to Sean and the crew for inviting us.
Happy New Year to All
The McNeill Family
Broadmead Runners Club
The Broadmead Runners popped by to have their picture taken with Santa and his reindeer.
Lynn McNeill, Dianne Mcneill, Michel Payeur, Linda and Bjorn Simonsen get up close and personal with Mr. Claus.
Part of our Happy Crew
A friend we have not met since the World Cup 2007, Sinisha Ivaz (far right), family and friends.
More pictures in the attached album
Christmas Celebration on Leney Place
(Link here to 2012 Christmas Wish)
Getting Ready for Christmas
Decorating for Christmas is just plain fun but when friends and neighbors get together to make it a collaborative experience, it gives a whole new meaning to the Season of Joy.
It all began in early December as a result of encouragement coming from Sam and Jacob, two ROMS students, and their dad, who thought it would be a great idea to enter our street in the Times Colonist Lighting Contest. Our two families have been in a bit of a lighting contest for the past couple of years and so decided to combine our efforts. We checked with the other neighbours and after finding everyone was on board, the decorating began in earnest.