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Living in the Shadow of Mental Illness
Photo (Web Source). The dark shadows of depression and mental illness can be lifelong or sudden in onset. While cancer, heart disease and any one of dozens of other diseases are accepted and treated with respect, not so for depression and mental illness. They remain in the shadows. People experiencing these debilitating states are often cast aside where they are left to their own devices. Many military personnel, indeed, many front line emergency service workers, have felt that pain. Can you imagine a cancer patient being cast aside and left to his or her own devices because of a stigma being attached to cancer?
As numerous families have learned, the nature of the illness makes it difficult to reach out for assistance by either the victim or their family as the attached stigma casts an ugly net. This story continues to track those who have been caught at the margins of our society where failure to provide timely and ongoing assistance can have tragic consequences not only for those immediately affected but also across the mainstream.
Update: Times Colonist, February 16, 2020, articles by Louise Dickson, She got her gun back, then she killed herself,” and, Mounties decision to return gun to PTSD victim haunts her brother.
Summary: I don’t know how many read the above articles, but they contained the tragic details about young woman, Krista Carle’, who took her own life after suffering for years with PTSD. While tragedies such as this play out across Canada every week, the reason this story resonates so profoundly is that the final, tragic, conclusion took place here in Victoria.
Both articles were carefully researched and written by, Louise Dickson, a TC regular, who has captured the essence of what it means to be cast aside within a system that has every reason to pay close attention – when it’s one of their own.
If we don’t possess the ways and means to help those struggling with mental illness within our own organizations, what possible chance is there for persons found on the street and in obvious need of professional help? These points are vividly brought home by a local police officer who has chosen to speak out rather than remain silent even when, at one point in his career, he faced threats that charges of obstruction could result if he pursued the subject.
Conspiracy to Bomb the BC Legislature: The Grand Illusion
September 5, 2022 Update: It is not the least bit surprising the two victims in this case have sued several levels of government and various individuals as a result of this manufactured case. Both the Judge who sat on the case as well as the B.C. Supreme Court have confirmed this case as being malfeasance on the part of the RCMP National Security Service members. The entire case is summarized in the following post written and posted in 2015 during the course of the trial.
The Introduction follows these updates.
This case actually began a full decade back in January 2013
April 24, 2023. Nuttal and Korody denied access to police undercover agent names.
December 19, 2018. Update: In a unanimous decision released Wednesday morning, the Appeal Court sided with a B.C. Supreme Court judge who stayed proceedings in the terrorism trial of John Nuttall and Amanda Korody on the grounds that the police investigation was a “travesty of justice.” Read more background at Entrapment
January 6, 2016 Update: More information about police misconduct continues to be aired following the conviction of the above couple on terrorist charges. Read more in the Times Colonist
November 18, 2015 Update: A BC Supreme Court Judge has ordered the RCMP to release documents related to legal advice they obtained during the investigation of the above couple. This is part of the hearing related to the subject of misconduct (or entrapment) by the RCMP. Full report in The Province
June, 2014 Update: While Nuttall and Korody have been convicted of some charges by the jury in their case, the conviction has not been entered by the Judge pending a “Judge Only” follow-up trial to consider whether ‘entrapment’ played a role in the alleged crime. Several Mr. Big Operations have been tossed by various Provincial Superior and Appeal Courts in recent years, and in one case that made it to the Supreme Court, the court upheld a lower court decision to toss the conviction. (Link to Game Changer)
Photo (Web Source): As you read this post consider whether you think John Nuttall and Amanda Korody were latent terrorists just biding their time or whether they were drug induced dreamers targeted to play a lead role in the Government’s War on Terror. After nearly five months of work by a squad of 250 RCMP security personal and with just three days to go before Canada Day 2013, this couple still had no idea they would be planting fake bombs in the bush around the B.C. Legislature.
Also, consider (and compare) as you read this post and the next, linked below, how much could be accomplished if you assigned 250 RCMP members with a multi-million dollar budget and the latest in crime technology to take down some serious criminals who have already committed a crime or a long series of crimes, rather than chasing a couple of potentially dangerous airheads for five months.
(Link here to Part 1: Oversight of Police and Security Services)
(Link here to Part III: Conspiracy to Rob the BC Ferry Terminal at Swartz Bay)
Part II
Conspiracy to Bomb the B.C. Legislature:
This post continues the discussion as to whether oversight of police and security services is as important today as it was in the 1970’s. After reading and watching over four-dozen media, video and web reports covering the ongoing trial of Nuttall and Korody, it was astounding to learn of the extremes to which the RCMP Security Service went in order to envelop the couple in a terrorist plot. It was as if we were back in the 1970’s when security agencies could act with impunity when it came to breaking the law. (Oversight of RCMP Security Services).
Hindsight and complaints against police
The above RCMP Officers, Constable Georges Gevaudan, Constable James Larche and Constable Joseph Ross, were killed by a suspect who has since been arrested. Two other officers were also wounded, but will survive.
Friday, June 5, 2014: (Moncton, N.B. Reported by all Media)
Only this morning (Friday, June 6, 2014)) did I learn of the tragic events in Moncton. Had I known earlier I would not have posted this story when I did. With a police killing, it’s always closer to home, partly because I spent thirty years as a policeman and partly because police officers represent security in our society.
I have no idea what investigators will turn up in the present case, but at this moment, our hearts go out to all those who were left behind and whose lives will be forever changed. Over the coming days they deserve a measure of freedom from being intruded upon by the second guessing that comes with these events. In that regard, the posting of the original story that filled this space will be set aside to some future date as the content of this post and another longer post that will follow, speaks to the issues at hand.
Original Post, June 2, 2014 Victoria, B.C. (Times Colonist Report).
The full post concerning the tragic deaths of these three officers and of many others over the years, is now posted at:
Living in the Shadow of Mental Illness
Separation of Church and State
May 2014, Late one night Stephen Harper and Peter McKay run away from the Supreme Court…
February 2018 (2018)
For a 2018 update on this subject link here to Church and State
This post will trace the evolution of our secular system of government and attendant public institutions. By remaining fully secular, these organizations allow all Canadians to remain free from religious rule and teachings, yet many are under constant pressure to revert to a more religious based system. It was difficult finding a way of criticizing without the criticisms being seen as a rant rather than a rational discussion. Hopefully, I have succeeded, but suppose that will depend upon the perspective of the reader.
June 11, 2014: In a significant move BC Lawyers, by a vote of 3210 to 968, directed their benchers to reject an application for accreditation made by Trinity Western University for their new Law School. (Link)
May 15, 2014, 11:00 am. This is an Edited version of the original poster of May 13, 2014, at 12.29 pm. Mostly cleaning up the structure with some subject matter moved around. There has been no alteration of the original direction and intent of the post.
A smattering of news reports over the past several weeks focuses on the challenges faced in maintaining a balance between competing interests in our pluralistic society. This week, PMO staff found Prime Minister Stephen Harper wandering around kicking chairs and punching walls after the Supreme Court yet again struck down one of his carefully crafted pieces of legislation. Why? It’s largely because we have this Court of Last Resort that we are able to maintain a balance in our society. While the Prime Minister may rant and rave about this ‘activist’ court interfering in the business of Parliament, we should all be thankful it is there to protect our rights in cases where ideologically driven legislation fails to meet the standards set by our Constitution and Charter of Rights.
For his part young Trudeau choose to open Pandora’s Box with his directive about accepting only Pro-Choice candidates (if you please!). It seems Justin, God bless the little guy, has inherited his Daddy’s tendency to ‘never let a sleeping dog lie’, and as for little Stephen, he completely forgot his Mommy’s message about ‘not poking a hornets’ nest with a stick’. These items make for an interesting read, but, standing alone, are just stories about a couple of gifted and privileged boys playing politics in hallowed halls of Ottawa. Neither item would prompt me to write an in-depth post, but the next certainly did as that item, in my opinion, is an emerging challenge to our secular system as found in “The Covenant” issued by Trinity Western University.
Note: June 18, 2014: A recent article regarding issues surrounding the Covenant appears in the Vancouver Sun. Written by a former staff member at TWU, it provides a personal perspective. Link at: “Who would Jesus discriminate against?”
Cold Lake High School Years: The Journey Begins
Early in the 1950’s the largest RCAF Station ever constructed in Canada was taking shape in Alberta. The small, remote, communities of Cold Lake and Grande Centre, that grew ever so slowly over the first fifty years of the century, would be shaken to their foundations as they struggled to come to terms with a massive influx of workers and their families. Our family was one of the many seeking to find their way.
Chapter 2: The Silent Generation
(Link to Chapter 2, Cold Lake High 1955 -1960)
Link Here for other Family Stories in this Series
Dear Reader,
For the several months, I struggled with how to write this post about our return to Cold Lake. To this point, it was easy to tell the stories as they were all generally positive. Even though our family was constantly on the move over the twelve years until this story, everything was relatively stable on the home front. All that changed in 1953 after arriving in Cold Lake and it continued in one form or another until our Dad passed away suddenly in 1965. While I will not dwell on the ugly parts, and there were many, I felt compelled to
express the feelings that enveloped me during those tumultuous years as a means to better understand myself and, perhaps, as a message to others.
I rather expect at least a few of my school friends shared similar experiences and might even take solace in knowing they were not alone. The background to this story is alcohol abuse, but it could easily have been any of a dozen other things that cause family units to fracture – drugs, infidelity, mental illness, etc. Children and teenagers, in particular, are vulnerable when this happens and need to know they are never alone, that even when things get really bad, the future can still hold a great deal of promise.
Indeed, this will become evident in parts of this post and in subsequent posts through the High School years and beyond. A great many positive things can happen even if life on the home front has spiralled into periods of darkness.
Photo: If taken between October and December 1958, I was seventeen, Louise fourteen, and Dianne four. Louise remembered our ages as she recognized the skirt as one she sewed in her Grade 9 Home Ec class. Look at Louise for a moment. For those who know her daughter Karena, can you see Karina’s sassy smile and eyes? Looking at clothes, I also remember the day those grey ‘flecked’ dress pants arrived by mail order from Sears. They became my favourite dress up in High School. And, as for that sweet, innocent little girl on the right, my heart aches for having completely missed knowing her when she was young.
Russian Troops in the Ukraine?
Russian Troops in Ukraine, 2014. Pictures such as this have been used to suggest Russian Troops are being surreptitiously infiltrated into the Eastern Ukraine. Why do the media and others continue to spread these vicious rumours?
The Myth of Covert Operations
Of course Russia does not have troops in the Crimea, nor Eastern Ukraine! How do we know? Well, the President of Russia has assured that is the case. Why on earth would he want to secretly place troops there and then lie about it. Russia is just a peace loving country like any other.
Of course the USA, France, Britain, Canada and other peace loving countries would never think of secretly infiltrating troops or military operatives into another country. In the past century people suggested the USA had troops in Laos, Cambodia, Iran, Iraq or dozens of other middle and far east countries. It was not true then and it is not true now. Neither did they carry out covert operations in Cuba, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia or dozens other Central and South American countries in an attempt to destabilize the existing governments. It just doesn’t make sense why they would do such a thing. Besides, we have the assurance of successive US Presidents and other world leaders that it was not done.
We know this just as we know that NSA, CSIS, M16, Mossad and dozens of other agencies do not carry out illegal covert surveillance of the citizens of their their own country.
Give it a rest folks, this stuff is not happening and if you think it is, you are just being paranoid.
Some have suggested that US Special Forces trainers were secretly supervising military assault drills for units of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army. Don’t you believe it folks. The the USA would never carry out such operations.
Link Here to see how these rumours are being spread.
Just this morning more of these vicious rumours were being spread by a friend on Facebook. Link here to a story about why Latin Americans are flocking to the United States.
The Power of Symbols
UPDATE MARCH 12, 2017 (Web Photo):
The recent decision (March 2017) by a senior court in the European Union to allow the banning of any religious headgear by a businesses keeps alive the myth that some types of religious headgear are more dangerous than others.
While many kinds of head coverings are popular, particularly in cold weather Canada, some coverings, the Niqab and Burqa as two examples, often evoke a strong negative reaction in Western nations. It is not the headdress; it is the context and symbolism that brings the response to those who have not taken the time to delve into the issue.
In the photo above it is clear the woman on the left is voluntarily wearing the covering as a response to the weather. For the woman of the left, however, the covering is not only tied to religion but also to the power men hold over women. And, in the case of the Niqab and Burqa, that debate is not likely to end anytime soon.
Do similar debates take place in countries defined as Muslim. Check out a few of the astounding discoveries made while Lynn McNeill, Esther and Garth Dunn and I were traveling through the Middle East during November and December 2013.
Is it reasonable to place limitations on the wearing of religious apparel?
When traveling, if we keep our minds open, it’s easy to find the world may be defined in a manner different than that which we have been lead to believe. While a large portion of our worldview results from our prejudice, our negative views and fears are certainly enhanced by the actions of TV and print media, politicians, social media and, of course, religious groups themselves. Our family and friends also play a huge role in our evolving positive or negative views of others.
Let’s jump to an ongoing controversy that became the turning point in the recent (2013) Quebec Election – the wearing or displaying of religious symbols by public servants. In 2017 it remains an issue being played out in the European Courts and pending European elections, as well as in Canada with the current Conservative Party leadership race being an example of how things can go negative if that may help a candidate to win a few more votes.
Graphic (Web Source): This chart was circulated by the PQ when they rolled out proposed changes to the Quebec Charter. The top three items would be approved. The bottom five would not. It was not long before the Niqab (the partial face covering bottom left) became the central issue. It is easy to see a between the application to different religious belief systems. So the question, if what we wear does not interfere with what we do (within bounds), does it make any difference what we wear?
While the Quebec Charter amendment crossed the line on many points, it was the Niqab and Burqa that quickly rose to the top of the debate. This was primarily because those particular head coverings suggest the oppression of woman, something that is an anathema to basic freedoms in Canada. Mind you, over that past 150 years of our nation, we managed to accomplish the suppression fairly well without even referring to the Muslim headdress.
Never-the-less, our Charter of Rights and Freedoms, a relatively new document that came into being in 1982, provided our citizens with the right to practice their religion (within reasonable limits) as they see fit. It now seem’s some would prefer to limit those rights even though it conflicts with the Charter and may infringe up the rights of some women in particular. Clearly, not every country has a Charter of Rights, therefore, in those countries, and this includes within a great many religions, the equality of women is not always given the high priority it is in Canada.
It is easy to understand why this particular issue arises in Canada, as our country is made up of people from all around the world and of every religious persuasion. Never-the-less, we do amazingly well if we consider all the possible friction points that exist.
Now let’s skip back to the Middle East – Oman and Saudi Arabia in particular. In those countries, it is not hard to find women wearing full or partial face coverings (yet they are not ubiquitous). The question, do any restrictions exist? First, look at Oman, a country ruled by a Sultan. In Oman, about half the employment is provided by the Sultanate, employment similar to our public service (e.g.teachers, government workers, hospitals, ambulance and so on).
RAWthenic Eatery – Royal Oak Shopping Centre
Raw food is a term used to describe food that has not been processed or altered, including having stayed at a temperature below 105° F. It can refer to fruits, vegetables, and nuts in their original forms, or combined to create unique dishes that often mimic some of your favourite cooked foods. (Link Here)
The Times they are a Changing
Wow! Fifty years ago this year Bob Dylan’s The Times They are a Changin’ (lyrics in footer) hit the top of the pop charts in England. It seems certain the song carries as much relevance today as it did in 1964, when a Raw Food, Vegan style restaurant boldly dared to wedge itself between MacDonald’s, Pizza Hut and Tim Hortons in the heart of he Royal Oak Shopping Centre.
While the RAWthentic Eatery only opened its doors in the Royal Oak Shopping Centre on March 20, 2014, it is quickly becoming a favourite. While the menu contains an array of Vegan, Raw, Gluten and Dairy Free products, there is plenty more on the menu to temp your palate.
Smoothies and fresh blended drinks like Goji Sunrise and Raspberry Zinger, Wheat Grass and a dozen other raw juices; the Combos, Salads and Entrees stand out on the long list and as you continue down the menu you will find desserts to die for.
With plenty of locally grown (whenever possible) eatery Manager Chantelle Shah-Poulin (photo left) and her staff, will soon be on a first name basis with a rapidly growing line of customers seeking a healthy diet alternative.
The Eatery continues a growing trend towards providing greater food choice for those who wish to move away from traditional fast foods, fast foods that are high in sugar, fat, salt and other additives that have come to so negatively define an entire industry that has been slow to recognize that change was in the air.