Adventures Index
Adventures Index
This section covers a wide variety of stories. The sections will divided according to type (e.g. Big Kinosoo, Family Events, etc.). At the top of the page will appear links to the three most recent posts. Where appropriate, posts in a section will be linked together so the reader can skip directly from one to the next or back to the index.
Most Recent Posts
Big Kinosoo: Growing the Legend (November 2014): The object this introduction is ways to help the Big Kinosoo Legend grow in stature by whatever means necessary. Anecdotes, photographs, cover-us, conspiracies – they are all fair game. Link to Big Kinosoo: Growing the Legend
RAWthentic Eatery: Royal Oak (April 2014): It is always a pleasure to promote local businesses who seek to provide the best in food. While I am not always so disciplined as to stay away from other fast food, I do my best. Link to RAWthentic
Victoria Morioka Friendship Society: A Visit to Victoria: (February, 2014). While meeting and greeting many friends we have made in Japan, a highlight of the visit was several concerts presented by Miss Misaki Usuzawa, winner the Japanese New Singer of the Year Contest in 2012. Miss Usuzawa was one of those whose family was hit by the 2011 Tsunami. Link to Victoria Morioka Society
McNeill Solutions and Seaside Magazine (February 2014) Sean McNeill has now been operating his new company for just over two years. His business, E-Marketing and Web Presence. Link to the Seaside Article
Big Kinosoo Series
7. Dangerous Waters Run Deep (July 2011): When Sampi failed to heed the warning given by Frank and hit the waters early. He nearly ended up at he bottom of Davey Jones Locker. Link here to Dangerous Waters Run Deep
6. Sampi Gets Hooked (July 2011): We met Sampi and his daughters while camping in Kinosoo Park. They were planning on their first fishing trip to Cold Lake, so my bother-in-law Frank Yochim to Sampi aside and warned Sampi about the dangers posed by the Big Kinosoo. Link to Sampi gets hooked
5. Airplane Down -Fish Attack (Summer c1960’s): (August 2011): The RCAF often landed their Otter on Cold Lake and moored it at the main dock. One day on landing near French Bay, the plane flipped over. The pilot claimed a large fish had swam directly in front of his craft, hit the floats and flipped the plane. Link Here for Fish Attack.
4. The Rush is on: Legend Becomes Reality (March 2011): A short history of fishing in Cold Lake including a section on my father who was an expert in that field and who always carried a rifle to protect himself from an attack by the Big Kinosoo. Link to the Rush is on.
3. Monster Fresh Water Fish of Canada (January 2011): While the Big Kinosoo is the King of the Big Fish, there are other monsters in Canada who seek to take his crown. Link to Monster Fish
2. The Big Kinosoo: Origin of the Legend (Chapter 1): (January, 201i): The six part series begins with a short excerpt on the legend as told by J.B. Minoose, a Cree Elder, and good friend of Dad (Dave McNeill) and Mom (Laura) who first met J.B. when we moved to the Primrose Logging Camp. The Minoose story was copied from a book, The Treasured Scales of the Kinosoo Link to the Big Kinosoo
1. Big Kinosoo: Growing the Legend (November 2014): The object this introduction is ways to help the Big Kinosoo Legend grow in stature by whatever means necessary. Anecdotes, photographs, cover-us, conspiracies – they are all fair game. Link to Big Kinosoo: Growing the Legend
Family and Miscellaneous
RAWthentic Eatery: Royal Oak (April 2014): It is always a pleasure to promote local businesses who seek to provide the best in food. While I am not always so disciplined as to stay away from other fast food, I do my best. Link to RAWthentic
Victoria Morioka Friendship Society: A Visit to Victoria: (February, 2014). While meeting and greeting many friends we have made in Japan, a highlight of the visit was several concerts presented by Miss Misaki Usuzawa, winner the Japanese New Singer of the Year Contest in 2012. Miss Usuzawa was one of those whose family was hit by the 2011 Tsunami. Link to Victoria Morioka Society
McNeill Solutions and Seaside Magazine (February 2014) Sean McNeill has now been operating his new company for just over two years. His business, E-Marketing and Web Presence. Link to the Seaside Article
New Years Eve 2013: Brentwood Inn: (December, 2013): Again Lynn, Esther, Garth and I attended this wonderful evening with family and friends. Garth and I again assumed our roles as the Blues Brothers. With plenty of lively young people, great music by Lucas and Drew and food Link to New Years Eve 2013
Santa Clause and Rudolf: New Plans and Directions (October 2013): One day during the summer Santa and Rudolf dropped by our home on Leney Place, in Victoria, to discuss building a new shop in a warmer climate. It was not long before construction was under way and by Christmas 2013 it was in full operation. Link here to New Plans and Directions
Zajac Ranch: Four Days with Family and Friends (August 2013): When friends from back East decided to have a second wedding party for their Wast Coast friends they did it up right by arranging to use the Zajac Ranch for four days. Link to Zajac Ranch
West Coast Fishing Adventure (July 2013): Brother Barry, his wife and three grandchildren spent a couple of weeks out this way. During the holiday we managed to snag some pretty nice salmon and a half dozen Dungeness Crab. Link to West Coast Fishing Adventure.
Purple Day Plane Pull: In Praise of Volunteers (March 2013): We head back to Sidney to watch Sean and his crew of plane pullers as they tackle a water bomber at the airport. A lot of fun and even raised a fair amount of money for a good cause: Link to Purple Day Plane Pull
The Roaming Riot Flash Mob (May 2012): After being detoured through various airports, it is always fun to join in whatever party happens to be taking place wherever you land. On this occasion it was a short early morning layover in Edmonton where we met a Groom and his Wedding Party heading to Mexico for a little celebration. We helped celebrate their departure: Link Here to the Roaming Riot Flash Mob
Canada Day Parade in Sidney (July 2012): A wonderful little community only 30 minutes from Victoria. Waterfront, marina, seaway walks, quaint little shop and resturants, Sidney has it all, including a great Canada Day Parade. Link to Parade in Sidney
Hiking Mount Colonel Foster (September 2012): My sister is never satisfied to tackle just one Mountain in a year, she has to tackle two. It turns out the Mt. Colonel Foster was child’s play for her and Michel. To bad I missed the trip. Join Hiking Mount Colonel Foster
Mount Albert Edward: An Adventure (September 2012): Coming close death in our Canoe Trip to hell, Dianne decided to try again when she invited me to join her and Michel in tackling Mount Albert Edward. I was in good shape, but this would prove to be another test of mmd over matter. Link to Mount Albert Edward
West Coast Trail: Precious Memories: (Posted 2016). This trek was a memorable moment in my life as it was completed with our oldest daughter (Kari McNeill Walker). It was her helping hand and guidance that helped me to complete the trek with a minimum and pain and a maximum amount of pleasure. West Coast Trail: Precious Memories
Christmas Celebration on Leney Place (December 2011): If not Halloween there is always another season to celebrate. On Leney Place, that always includes Christmas with lots and lots of lights. Link Here to Christmas on Leney Place.
Leif Erikson Day (October 2011): With a solid history in the Norwegian Community and with a friend who hails from Norway, it is always fun celebrating the history of the famous Norwegian who discovered America well before Christopher Columbus even knew how to sail a ship. Link here for Leif Erikson Day
The Pumpkin Family (October 2011): When Halloween rolls around, the McNeill Family is usually out in force. In 2011, we invited the entire family to share in our experience. With lights shinning and candles glowing each member did their part: Link here to the Pumpkin Family
Corpuconia Traditions (April 2011): When the daughter of our friends, Kia Simonsen, announced her marriage, Lynn volunteered to make the wedding cake. It turned out to be something very special in the Norwegian tradition. Link her for Cornucopia Traditions
Fight for Survival – A Canoe Trip Turns Deadly (June 1997): While on a holiday in Cold Lake and visiting mom, Lynn and Sean, along with my sister Dianne and her family started a trip along the calm wages of Marie Creek just north or our farm. It turned out heavy summer rains had turned the creek into a deadly torrent that nearly took our lives: Link here Fight for Survival
Grayson Chronicles
5. The Final Chapter of this Series is a work in process.
4. Jail Break, then off to the Rodeo (July 2012): The Federal Penitentiary in Prince Albert proved to be a tough nut to crack. After being pulled over by the prison guards we would lucky to escape. We ran for the hills in southern Saskatchewan then snuck over the over the border heading towards Calgary. Link to Prison Break
3. Heading to Saskatchewan: A Little Farm Time (July 2012): If we Alberta was tough, Saskatchewan proved to equally unforgiving of we tenderfoots from BC. Not only did we get lost, Grayson had to go and fall in love. Link to Falling in Love
2. Making our Way Across Alberta (July 2012): Things are different in Alberta. All those big trucks make if more dangerous than all the mountain passes in BC combined and not one of those trucks would give an inch of latitude. Link to Part II: Alberta Bound
1. Grayson Chronicles: The Journey Begins (July 2012) For some months five-year-old Grayson Walker and his Grandpa McNeill had been planning a trek across the three western Canadian Prairie Provinces. Along the way they would fight threats from mosquitoes, flash floods, gravel roads in the wilderness and a hundred other dangers. Link to Part I of The Grayson Chronicles
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