Voter Turnout: Vancouver Island
Student voter turnout on Campuses across Canada reached record numbers.
Congratulations Vancouver Islanders
We have once again set more voting records on the Islands, but it seems that somehow the Green Tinge wafting from Salt Spring and Saanich somehow turned a psychedelic orange as it covered the rest of the Islands and while it wasn’t red, it still exuded a glow much warmer than steel blue.
Voter turnout. In a word, awesome! Thanks to those thousands of young people who picked up the torch and marched to the polling stations across the Island. We may be tagged as the newly weds and nearly dead’s here on the Islands, but when it comes to voting we managed to tuck away our stash or grabbed our walkers and headed to the polls by the thousands. When you live on the these laid back Islands, an extra hour or two in a line-up just wafts by with barely a notice.
79.5% Saanich and Gulf Islands (Green)
77.2% Victoria (Orange)
76.6% Courtney-Alberni (Orange)
75.9% Esquimalt-Saanich-Sooke (Orange)
73.5% Cowichan-Malahat (Orange)
71.4% Nanaimo-Ladysmith (Orange)
70.7% North Island-Powell River (Psychedelic Orange)
While we were not the highest numbers in the nation, we reached for the stars and did well. When I saw those line-ups to vote at a number of Universities and then when they ran out of ballots at a number of First Nations polling sites, I just knew change was in the air.
Once upon a time we flirted with Blue Steel
On a minor note, for the second time in a row we have failed to elect a member to the winning party. Is that a downside? Perhaps not, as the last time we had a Minister on the Government bench (Saanich and Salt Spring was Steel Blue not Green), that person was responsible for bringing us that Round-a-Bout by the Sea in which all roads lead everywhere. There are even stories of motorists having to call 911 to get help in finding their way out. Was that a punishment or a reward from that man in blue?
As far as having a strong voice in Ottawa for Island interests, I think those we elected will do very well under the current Liberal Government and I expect Elizabeth May will continue to hold the Governments feet to the fire as we confront the global issue of climate change. Perhaps we can finally put the 4/20 rally (photo below at Vancouver Art Gallery) to bed over the next couple of years by transforming it to another Green project.
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