Relish Tea Room in Mana, New Zealand
“Living your Dreams” is a theme that often appears on many Facebook posts, so Lynn and I are always looking for shining new examples. On our way down the West side of the North Island we stopped for tea at a picturesque little English style ‘tea room’ called the Relish Café. Located in Mana (just north of Wellington) we were met by Allan and Anne McNair, Allan being a brother of our friend, Gill Russell, (see previous Rotorua post). There we shared a few life stories over afternoon tea.
Once again, we found ourselves chatting with a couple who made a complete life change. Only a few years back, the McNairs were running a successful saddlery store which provided a comfortable income and a high degree of security for over 25 years. In addition, Allan was an experienced ferrier. Their two daughters were just finishing school and would soon be off establishing lives of their own.
A few years back, Allan began feeling the need for change – not that he was dissatisfied with his life, it was, after all, a very good life. He just wanted a new challenge and one of his dreams was to run his own restaurant. When he shared his dream with his family his oldest daughter laughed and pointed out: “Dad, you can’t even boil an egg”. Allan reluctantly conceded that point, but was quick to state: “Well then my dear daughter, I will learn.” And, over the next five years learn he did. He and Anne continued to run their saddlery and ferrier businesses, but one day each week Allan worked a full eight hour shift in a local restaurant.
Over the five years of working part time he learned what he thought he needed to know and between them the couple were ready to strike off on their own. They found a lovely little establishment in Mana (just north of Wellington) that was exactly the kind of place they had dreamed about. About one block of the highway, just accross the main South Island Railway was a small restaurant with seating for about thirty-five. A former cottage, the tables were divided into three medium sized rooms. The period furnishings gave each room a cosy warmth and the entire “cottage” was surrounded by a delightful “English Country Garden” just coming into bloom when Lynn and I arrived.
When the deal was finalized, the saddlery business was sold and the family was off on a new life adventure. Two years later, the couple still glow with that sense of adventure that can only be seen on the faces of those who have decided to take a whole new tack (no pun intended) in life. As with others who decided to step outside their ‘comfort zone’, the McNair’s know that boundaries in life are not barriers, they are just challenges and that the world is built on the realization that ‘fairy tales can come true’ (and as the son goes) ‘it could happen to you, when your’re young at heart.’
We finished our tea, bade farewell and with a mist in our eyes about dream’s being realized, we set off to pursue a new grand new adventure in the wilderness that is the South Island of New Zealand.
Mana, NZ
PS I have taken a few liberties with pictures of the Saddlery and Ferrier businesses run by the McNair’s. The pictures might be more in tune with the time of the great grandparents of the McNair’s.
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