A Life Long Learner
The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing
as we continue to live.
Mortimer J. Adler
That’s what learning is, after all; not whether we lose the game, but how we lose and how we’ve changed because of it and what we take away from it that we never had before, to apply to other games. Losing, in a curious way, is winning.
Richard Bach, The Bridge Across Forever, 1984
A Lifelong Learner
October 28, 2011 This past Friday family and friends gathered at Camosun College to join in the celebration with fifteen hundred students who completed program studies ranging from full degrees to certification in various trades and career specialities. Among those being recognized was our very own Lynn Frances McNeill, a woman who is the very definition of a ‘lifelong learner’.
Born into an armed forces family (RCAF), Lynn was inspired at an early age to seek new challenges as she, her parents and four siblings (3 sisters and a brother) were transferred to bases in Canada and abroad. Settling in Canada, Lynn completed her formal education at the University Guelph eventually moving on to British Columbia. While working for the District of Campbell River, Lynn joined the RCMP as a civilian member where she accepted a secondment as an instructor, travelling throughout BC instructing members on the use of their new telecommunications systems. With a helicopter at their disposal, she also assisted the team of specialists installing mountain top satellite systems.
Photo: University of Guelph, Grad Photo
Seeking to spend more time with her young son, Lynn joined the Oak Bay Police Department as Executive Secretary to the Chief of Police, eventually moving on to a position with the Greater Victoria Hospital Society where she continued to hone her considerable administrative skills. Never one to back away from a serious challenge, in 1984 Lynn married Harold David McNeill.
When Glenlyon Norfolk School needed someone to oversee the merger of the administrative offices of the three, previously separate campuses, Lynn was tasked with the job. Following the merger, she continued as Office Manager and Board Executive Secretary where she worked closely with a succession of Headmasters. After a few years, Lynn began her own administrative business, contracting with the GNSS Board of Directors as the Board’s Executive Assistant. For over twelve years, she remained an integral member of the GNS team.
Throughout this time, Lynn volunteered many hours as Deputy Director – Emergency Social Services in Saanich and as an Emergency Preparedness Instructor while also contributing as a volunteer member of the executive committees hosting various international soccer events in the Greater Victoria area. Again, travel formed a large part of this volunteer experience.
When a new position became available at the BC Pension Corporation, Lynn jumped at the opportunity, continually upgrading and accepting new challenges within the organization.
At every step of her professional and personal life, Lynn has transformed the offices and organizations in which she has worked or volunteered by applying her incredible energy and organizational skills. The dances, picnics, children’s parties, bed races, sporting events, theme parties and dozens of other events she helped to organize, will long be remembered.
During those same years, a new passion bubbled to the top – travel planning. Lynn has always been prevailed upon to complete travel plans, while at work for executive members and staff; at home for friends and family. It followed that upon her retirement from the Pension Corporation, Lynn would become a full-time travel planner as she and Harold back-packed around Canada, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. It was, of course, these travels that led Lynn to pursue her most recent challenge.
From January to June 2011, she completed an intensive Travel Counselling Course offered by Camosun College. Graduating with honours, she received her Travel Counsellor’s certification as well as numerous other certificates that will serve to enrich travel experiences for all of her clients.
Today Lynn is an independent consultant with the Expedia Cruise Ship Centers, working out of the Bevan Street office in Sidney, BC. There she continues to expand her knowledge of the travel industry. Everyone who knows Lynn will agree that she always gives 100% to the task at hand and, for those who don’t know her, this fact will soon be recognized.
If you need help with your travel plans, be they by land, sea or air, just give Lynn a call at:
250 656-5441 Toll Free: 1-800-561-2350
Expedia email: lynnmcneill@cruiseshipcenters.com or lynn@travelynn.ca
Or visit her website at: www.cruiseshipcenters.ca/LynnMcNeill
Call Lynn and begin pursuing your vacation dreams.
Harold McNeill
Tags: Camosun College, Lynn McNeill
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