Tragedy Narrowly Averted on Leney Place
December, 2015. Crash Scene (AP File Photo) Before anyone panics and begins speculating about what caused the crash on Leney Place last week, please read the following information outlined in another version of The Night Before Christmas. It provides a few answers that should alleviate your immediate concerns. Some think it was pilot error (as usual), but it seems the weather played a large roll.
Summary of Known Details
One night last week, all through our house,
No creature was stirring not even a mouse.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.
With Lynn in her ‘kerchief’, and I in my cap,
Having just settled down for a long winter’s nap.
Little Lexi curled between us so cozy in bed,
While visions of dog treats danced in her head.
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew in a flash,
Tore open the curtains and threw up the sash.
A storm that was brewing over the past several days,
Had claimed its first victims, our Santa and sleigh.
The little old driver not so lively and quick,
Yet I knew in a moment it must be our Nick.
His poor little coursers, he called them by name,
Were piled in a heap by the end of the lane.
I asked him what had happened, he replied in great pain,
“Practicing landings, new coursers to train”.
“The cross winds were vicious and the gusts not so tame,
A shrub caught one runner and down we all came.”
The trees and the ruts they told a sad tail,
What happens when Santa lands on one rail.
Joy and Noel held their ground in good grace,
Feared they’d be gone with barely a trace.
The police and the fire down the street they came,
Thinking they’d have to put out a flame.
St. Nicholas was hurt but he would not quit,
Called his reindeer together as all were still fit.
“Come team, we can’t let kids down,
We must pull together for our next practice round”.
“Up, Dasher! Up, Dancer! Up Prancer and Vixen!
Come Comet and Cupid, help Donner and Blitzen!
Head for the woodshed then over the wall!
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!”
The two of us stood there, totally amazed,
As Santa and reindeer disappeared in the haze
In the morning we woke, the sun shining down,
We thought we’d been dreaming, after a night on the town.
I looked out the window and saw it was true,
St. Nicolas had crashed, but saved all his crew.
Each night you can see them, but be here by ten,
Or you’ll miss them till next day as their tucked in their pen.
Now over the holidays if you have time,
Drop by the McNeill’s for a glass of mulled wine.
“Merry Christmas to all,
And to all a good night.”
Harold and Lynn
Santa’s Workshop Experience
4402 Leney Place, Victoria, BC, 2015
More Christmas Stories of Christmas’s Past can be viewed in the
Christmas Category
December 2015. Julie and Curly, were over visiting Santa’s Workshop a couple days before the accident
and were shocked to learn how close Santa came to missing this seasons run. In this photo they pose with four of their grandchildren and a visiting friend. Left to Right: (Back) Julie, Kyle, Kenyon (Front) Alex, Jasmine, and Sophia.
Part of the scene after it was cleaned up the next day. Santa and the deer stand ready and waiting to complete at least two dozen more practice runs before heading out on Christmas Eve. Santa told me the reason for practicing grassy landings was because of all the apartment buildings now having converted the tops to green space. He felt that had a mistake such as caused this accident had happened on a High Rise, neither he nor his team would survive.
Note for visitors: This years shop was extended to the back yard as more space was needed to store all the supplies as the worlds population continues to grow.
Other stories about Santa’s Workshop and Christmas, are included in the
Christmas Category
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