The Roaming Riot Flash Mob
Roaming Riot Flash Mob
Yesterday morning, May 6, 2012, shortly after Lynn and I popped by Calgary for a quick breakfast while enroute to Vancouver and Victoria, a flash mob, The Roaming Riot, invaded our Airport Pub Restaurant.
When spontaneous events like this appear on your doorstep, we have found the best thing to do is get in the spirit and join the festivities. As it turned out his group of men were enroute to Cabo San Lucas to celebrate the pending wedding of Jeff (photo centre, white hat, hanging on the shoulder of the guy with the t-shirt “Proud to be Something” or words to that effect).
Make no mistake, Jeff is not hanging onto that shoulder to boost himself into the photo. He is, in fact, nearly 6’4”, 240 pounds with broad shoulders, an infectious smile and a gentle manner that won over Lynn’s heart when he bowed and gently kissed hand after learning his wedding day would take place on her birthday (May 19th). We also learned that the wives and girlfriends (a mutually exclusive group we assume) of these men were just on their way back from a lost week-end of celebrating in Banff. It is a good thing they did not all end up in the airport lounge at the same time as it might have caused a Code Red security alert.
This post is being made in anticipation that Jeff and his friends may eventually send a few pictures from Cabo documenting some of their fun. We would also like to get a picture of the girls group and perhaps later, of the wedding. Jeff assured Lynn and me, perhaps as a result of the grandparent ‘halo’ effect, that as he is very much in love with and committed to his lovely fiancée, and that he and his fiends are just only looking for good, clean fun, not trouble. They are certainly off to a good start.
Just on spec I checked at the West Jet counter but they could not change our flight over to Cabo route (our luggage was committed to Vancouver). While I thought it would have been fun to chaperone this group, Lynn expressed a few concerns about being the only woman at the stag (hmmm). The next best thing we could do – we ordered up and send the boys the along their way with our best wishes. We then caught our flight home.
Take care guys,
Lynn and Harold
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