Posts Tagged ‘Kia Charko’
Happy 70th Linda Simonsen
A Favourite Painting of Linda
A very happy birthday to our longtime friend Linda Simonsen as she now joins those of us who now occupy that amazing seventh decade of our lives. It is a time to reflect upon all the good times we have shared with those who have been near and dear to us over the past several decades. (A Video Link is provided in the footer)
To provide a little perspective on how things have changed since Linda landed at her parents home in 1947, have a peek at the cost of a few key items as well as a few of the major events that took place in Canada in that year.
Average Cost of new home, $6,600.00
Average wage per year, $2,850.00
Cost of a gallon of gas, 15 cents
Average cost of a new car, $1,300.00
A loaf of Bread, 13 cents
A Man’s Sweater, $8.50
Bulova Watch, $52.50
Two cans of Heinz Cream of Tomato Soup, 23 cents
Leg O Lamb, 59 cents/pound
Loaf Marvel Enriched Bread, 13 cents
Dozen Oranges, 49 cents
And a few events that made the news in that same year.
January 1 – Canadian Citizenship Act 1946 comes into effect.
January 2 – Dominion of Newfoundland (later a province in 1949) switches to driving on the right from the left.
January 27 – The cabinet order deporting Japanese-Canadians to Japan is repealed after widespread protests.
February 13 – Oil is discovered near Leduc, Alberta.
May 14 – The Chinese Immigration Act of 1923 is repealed.
June 15 – The laws limiting Asian immigration to Canada are repealed; Canadians of Asian descent are allowed to vote in federal elections.
July 22 – Two new nuclear reactors go online at the Chalk River research facility.
September 30 – The last group of personnel who had been on active service, for World War II, since September 1, 1939, stood down.[1]
October 1 – New letters patent defining the office and powers of the governor general come into effect.
December 29 – Boss Johnson becomes premier of British Columbia.
Stephen Leacock Award: Harry L. Symons, Ojibway Melody.
The Federal law was changed such that Canadian women no longer lost their citizenship automatically if they married non-Canadians.
Now, sit back, take a few minutes to listen and watch as a few snippets of Linda’s life flow by as Joan Baez sings Forever Young, Louis Armstrong, What a Wonderful World, and Randy Newman, You’ve Got a Friend in Me.
New Years Eve 2013: Brentwood Inn
New Years Eve: Esther and Garth, Harold and Lynn ready to head out.
It is truly a joy when the kids volunteer to stay home and let the old folks head out for a night on the town on New Years Eve. Of course the kids gave us a stern warning about “drinking and driving” and told us that if we felt we have had had to much, to just call home and one of the them would drive out to pick us up. Thank you to Jay and Jennifer, Kari and Grayson, Christine and Audrey for looking after things on the home front (Link Here). We will check in at the bewitching hour.
All the Best in the New Year, Mom, Dad, Garth and Esther
December 31, 2013: Brentwood Inn, Brentwood Bay, B.C.
As the hours and minutes ticked away towards midnight, Lucas J. Copplestone and Drew Betts continued to work their musical magic. It was not long before the entire Inn was rocking.
It was to be another New Years event where we met more of the parents of the kids you see in the photo below. It never ceases to amaze how inclusive these young people are. Over the years they are always encouraging their parents not only to attend, but to become fully involved whether it be a local events or on holidays to some other part of the world. Each is always anxious to introduce his or her parents to the parents of others as they are as proud of their parents as their parents are of them. Over the past several years it seems our family continues to grow in leaps and bounds.
Part of the younger side of the New Years 2013 Crew.
For a full set of New Years 2013 photos: Link Here
For a full set of New Years 2012 Photos: Link Here
(note: the 2012 photos are posted on my personal FB Page)
Other group celebrations from 2012
Purple Day Plane Pull: Link Here
Seaside Magazine Celebration: Link Here
New Orleans, Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean includes several albums: Link Here
A Celebration at Zajac Ranch includes several albums: Link Here
Of course, there were a good many other celebrations and destinations in 2013, many of which is posted on the McNeill Life Stories Facebook Page and on this Blog