Russian Troops in the Ukraine?
Russian Troops in Ukraine, 2014. Pictures such as this have been used to suggest Russian Troops are being surreptitiously infiltrated into the Eastern Ukraine. Why do the media and others continue to spread these vicious rumours?
The Myth of Covert Operations
Of course Russia does not have troops in the Crimea, nor Eastern Ukraine! How do we know? Well, the President of Russia has assured that is the case. Why on earth would he want to secretly place troops there and then lie about it. Russia is just a peace loving country like any other.
Of course the USA, France, Britain, Canada and other peace loving countries would never think of secretly infiltrating troops or military operatives into another country. In the past century people suggested the USA had troops in Laos, Cambodia, Iran, Iraq or dozens of other middle and far east countries. It was not true then and it is not true now. Neither did they carry out covert operations in Cuba, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia or dozens other Central and South American countries in an attempt to destabilize the existing governments. It just doesn’t make sense why they would do such a thing. Besides, we have the assurance of successive US Presidents and other world leaders that it was not done.
We know this just as we know that NSA, CSIS, M16, Mossad and dozens of other agencies do not carry out illegal covert surveillance of the citizens of their their own country.
Give it a rest folks, this stuff is not happening and if you think it is, you are just being paranoid.
Some have suggested that US Special Forces trainers were secretly supervising military assault drills for units of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army. Don’t you believe it folks. The the USA would never carry out such operations.
Link Here to see how these rumours are being spread.
Just this morning more of these vicious rumours were being spread by a friend on Facebook. Link here to a story about why Latin Americans are flocking to the United States.
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