RAWthenic Eatery – Royal Oak Shopping Centre
Raw food is a term used to describe food that has not been processed or altered, including having stayed at a temperature below 105° F. It can refer to fruits, vegetables, and nuts in their original forms, or combined to create unique dishes that often mimic some of your favourite cooked foods. (Link Here)
The Times they are a Changing
Wow! Fifty years ago this year Bob Dylan’s The Times They are a Changin’ (lyrics in footer) hit the top of the pop charts in England. It seems certain the song carries as much relevance today as it did in 1964, when a Raw Food, Vegan style restaurant boldly dared to wedge itself between MacDonald’s, Pizza Hut and Tim Hortons in the heart of he Royal Oak Shopping Centre.
While the RAWthentic Eatery only opened its doors in the Royal Oak Shopping Centre on March 20, 2014, it is quickly becoming a favourite. While the menu contains an array of Vegan, Raw, Gluten and Dairy Free products, there is plenty more on the menu to temp your palate.
Smoothies and fresh blended drinks like Goji Sunrise and Raspberry Zinger, Wheat Grass and a dozen other raw juices; the Combos, Salads and Entrees stand out on the long list and as you continue down the menu you will find desserts to die for.
With plenty of locally grown (whenever possible) eatery Manager Chantelle Shah-Poulin (photo left) and her staff, will soon be on a first name basis with a rapidly growing line of customers seeking a healthy diet alternative.
The Eatery continues a growing trend towards providing greater food choice for those who wish to move away from traditional fast foods, fast foods that are high in sugar, fat, salt and other additives that have come to so negatively define an entire industry that has been slow to recognize that change was in the air.
While we have always had an awesome variety of local and ethnic foods in and around the Royal Oak Shopping Centre the addition of this eatery, among the ten food service outlets, will bring even more variety.
Lynn and I are particularly interested in this style of eating, as we live among a group of twenty and thirty-something young people dedicated to a life style that includes the very best in raw foods and juices. We really don’t think it will be long before the RAWthentic they will be offering classes in the many benefits of this natural food style.
The Times they are certainly changing. Check out the song lyrics in the footer.
Links, Photos and Footnotes
Link to more photos of the RAWthentic Eatery on the McNeill Life Stories Facebook Page
Link to Facebook Page for the RAWthentic Eatery in Courtney
Link to a Short History of the Royal Oak Shopping Centre
Link to Photos of businesses in the Royal Oak Shopping Centre
Janay Allen prepping for lunch
Lyrics to first verse of “The Times they are a Changin” by Bob Dylan
And admit that the waters around you have grown
And accept it that soon you’ll be drenched to the bone
Then you better start swimmin’ or you’ll sink like a stone
Tags: Raw Food Victoria, Rawthentic Eatery, Rawthentic Royal Oak, Rawthentic Saanich, Rawthentic Victoria, Rawthentic West Saanich Road
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