Purple Day Plane Pull
In Praise of Volunteers
The Purple Team strain toward a Gold Medal Finish as the crowd in the background go wild. The other winners on this day were the individuals and organizations who depend upon the efforts of Volunteers to raise awareness and funds for those whose lives have been affected by the onset of Epilepsy.
Victoria International Airport
Sidney, British Columbia
Have you ever suffered from a debilitating illness? If not, it is almost certain a family member or close friend has faced or is currently facing a serious medical challenge. The fight to eradicate the many forms disease can take is one that requires not only continuing dedication to the cause, but tremendous amounts of money – far more than can be provided by government and business through direct funding, research and other grants. To make up the shortfall, individual volunteers, often those having a close connection to a specific disease or medical challenge, devote thousands of hours of their time and tons of energy towards helping fund the battle.
And so it was this past Saturday when the Purple Day Plane Pull for Epilepsy volunteers (Link Here) held their second annual fundraising event at the Victoria International Airport. While there was a variety of fun events, food and engaging costumes that delighted children and adults alike, the main event was a team competition in which the challenge was to tow a 20,000 pound Catalina Water Bomber along a measured section of the north-west tarmac.
As you might surmise, pulling 20,000 pounds, even on wheels, seemed just a tad beyond the reach of the competing teams. This became crystal clear when the first team to the start line failed to budge that monster even a fraction of a centimeter. After a massive effort that must have strained more than a few back, leg and arm muscles, it was discovered that someone had forgotten to release the brakes on the aircraft. Oh well, mistakes do happen. As a credit to that lead off team, on their second try, winded and sore as they were, they posted a respectable time.
Among the other teams competing were the Viscount Aero Centre Group, represented by our very own Lucas and Sean, and their friends Matt, Nathan and Jonathan. While the men put on a good show they missed the cut-off for the finals when edged out by the Purple Pullers (lead photo at the finish line). Lynn and I managed to bolster the sideline cheering section while catching a few photos of the teams in action.
Other teams included CHEK TV, the Catalina Grill House, UCB – The Epilepsy Company, Victoria Epilepsy and Parkinson’s Centre, hbl Events, Hot House Marketing, Island Parent Magazine, Times Colonist, Sport Ball, and Braefoot Sports.
Many thanks to the dozens of businesses and volunteers who helped to organize and stage the event. A few pictures are posted below, as well as on the McNeill Life Stories Facebook Page (link below).
Remember, Purple Day for Epilepsy is Tuesday, March 26th. If you feel inclined to provide an additional donation to the cause, please link to the Victoria Epilepsy and Parkinson’s Centre in Saanich (link here).
Full Set of Photos on Facebook (Link Here)
Sean, Lucas, Matt, Nathan and Jonathan give it their all as they try to catch the Purple team at the finish line. Alas, the boy’s worked hard but on this day the girls outpaced them – all for a good cause.
This one Air Cadet seems a bit distracted by all the hardware laid out on the table while his mates scan the crowd. All seem oblivious to the action in the sky behind them. Perhaps if I had made a loop on this photo retouch, I might have gained their attention.
Tags: Lucas J Copplestone, Purple day Plane Pull, Sean McNeill, Sidney BC, Victoria Airport
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