Perfect Hand in Euchre
The above Euchre hand was accomplished with a very big “IF” that left Lynn McNeill on pins and needles for seven consecutive passes. In the game, Lynn was dealing, followed by Harold, Garth (her partner) and Esther. Lynn had dealt herself that perfect hand in Diamonds. No, she did not cheat folks, Lynn would never do that in this lifetime. A Club was turned as trump so, of course, Lynn could only count that perfect hand if she had a chance to bid in another suit – that was the big “if”.
The bidding began:
Harold – pass (crap hand)
Garth – pass (crap hand)
Esther – pass (so, so, but not in Clubs)
Lynn then turned down the initial trump card
Second Round:
Harold – pass (same crap hand)
Garth – pass (same crap hand)
Esther – considered whether she was strong enough to take in another suit, then, after some hesitation, ‘passed’
Lynn erupted (uncharacteristically I might add) by calling Diamonds and throwing down her hand. Lynn never lets us throw down a hand as she wants to play fully play out each round.
Not one of us had ever been close to the perfect hand in either Euchre or Cribbage.
What were the odds of that hand coming up?
A check of Internet sources suggest the odds of getting that hand as something in the order of 1 in 100,000. The fact Lynn was dealing and could not use the trump card significantly decreased her chances as it seemed possible someone might grab the Club (in the first round) or Spades or Hearts in the second. As it turned out, no one else held a strong hand.
The odds are likely beyond that for the initial hand, as it seems likely they would have increased significantly by having to wait for those seven passes. If someone picks up on this post and can suggest the final odds, that would be appreciated.
Oh, just to mention, Lynn did go alone with the hand and that resulted in she and her partner, Garth, picking up 4 points to win third set and the three game series.
As congratulations were in order, Garth popped the top on another bottle of Champaign to complete our New Years 2014 Celebration. Oh well, the 9:00 am ferry will work just as well as the 7:00 am, as we are all on our way to Seattle, then San Francisco to further celebrate the winning hand.
Happy New Year Everyone
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