Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Above: Part of the Crew from New Years: (Guys Left to right) Drew Betts, Pete Patterson, Sean McNeill, Jeremy Nichele,
Joel Sherlock, Daniel Dent, Andrew Dunn
(Girls Left to Right) Jennifer Ann, Fiona Nightingale Harvey, Alysha Yakimishyn, Keira McCreath, Gemma Kyliuk
(More Photos below and in the attached album)
Photo Below: Santa dropped by on Christmas Eve
Well, we caught Santa making his rounds last night on his recently refurbished Harley Davidson (click photo to open). On closer inspection, this guy looked suspiciously like our neighbour Ted, but we could not be sure. In any case, it was very nice of him to stop and spend a few minutes and chat. Seems he was curious as to why we had so many reindeer and elves running around our property among all the Christmas lights.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all
from the McNeill Family
(Link here to 2011 Christmas Story)
Photo Courtesy of Nichele Studios (L to R) Chris, Audrey and Christine LeClair, Lynn McNeill, Kari Walker, Grayson Walker and Harold McNeill, Sean McNeill and Jay McNeill. Now we challenge you to figure out what is different in this picture from the original?
New Years Comments (From Facebook Post)
It was a great evening of family, friends, fun, food, music and entertainment at the Brentwood Inn as we bid farewell to that wonderful year of 2012 and welcomed with open arms a 2013 that promises to bring just as many new challenges and opportunities as did 2012. You can rest assured we worked very hard to make the transition as lively as possible.
The Staff at the Inn did an amazing job of keeping the crowd well supplied with food and drink while LJC on his non-stop turn-table brought the best of the best in music that kept the dance floor filled. His late evening rap song was a huge hit and demonstrated again just how versatile that young man is.
As added bonuses, Drew thrilled the crowd with his jazzed up Sax and Joel put on a break-dance display that was beyond impossible. Two hours later his friends were still trying to untangle the mass of legs and arms.
It was a great mix of young, the not so young and dozens of inbetweeners who shared in the evening of merriment.
Thanks to Sean and the crew for inviting us.
Happy New Year to All
The McNeill Family
Broadmead Runners Club
The Broadmead Runners popped by to have their picture taken with Santa and his reindeer.
Lynn McNeill, Dianne Mcneill, Michel Payeur, Linda and Bjorn Simonsen get up close and personal with Mr. Claus.
Part of our Happy Crew
A friend we have not met since the World Cup 2007, Sinisha Ivaz (far right), family and friends.
More pictures in the attached album
Tags: Audrey LeClair, Broadmead Runners, Chris LeClair, Christine McNeill, Grayson Walker, Harold McNeill, Jay McNeill, Kari McNeill, Kari Walker, Lynn McNeill, McNeill Family, Sean McNeill, Sinishi Ivaz
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