Making friends along the Danube 3/7
Photo: This crew of women opened the dance floor each evening, then closed it at some point after midnight. It was a great cruise for the men, for, as the old fifties song goes, “Two Girls for Every Guy”‘
Brazil, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, England and Scotland as well as a sizable number of people from the United States and Canada, were just a few of the fifteen countries represented by guests on the River Beatrice. Everyone we met, and we met many of the 133 guests, brought special stories of their lives which they freely shared over meals, while touring and, later, over drinks in the lounge. It was a family atmosphere, filled with good cheer and conversation, as we might expect back home during a holiday celebration with guests enjoying the freedom of sharing with family members around the dinner table.
Among the guests:
A young woman nearing the end of her second trimester sharing the trip with her husband, mom and dad; A couple from Sao Paulo, in a tender story of a lost love rekindled; Sisters separated by half the world reunited for a cruise: A Book Club of fourteen women on their annual trek, and no, they assured me, it was not a run through of Eat, Pray and Love.
An unlikely ‘Elvis’ from Australia and his lovely wife; Several travel consultants, many with spouses or friends, on a familiarization cruise and enjoying life to the fullest; A fun loving Doctor and his wife explaining how he was coming to terms with a world of changing technology (a hilarious rendition); A couple from California with whom we shared the polar opposites of the political spectrum and a fine dinner (and no, I was not the Republican);
A distinguished couple from South Africa whose home skirts the Kruger National Park; Two friends who could be sisters (besides Lynn and Esther); A woman whose travel companion had to suddenly cancel, decided continue on her own, was having a great time and was heading on to spend a week of discovery in Paris. The stories go on with each being unique and each just as interesting.
With a median age somewhere in the mid-fifties (of a scale of thirty to eighty), it was a wonderful mix where mobility issues for a few passengers did not create any barriers. It seemed most would be back for a return engagement at some point in the near future. To meet any of these fine people again on another trip, would be like a home-coming.
The following photographs captured a few of the moments.
Note: While I love my little Panasonic for daytime and low light scenery, the flash is just not able to catch people in night scenes in a manner that would give a clearly, focused picture (hdm).
Good to have the family over for dinner. Grandpa Jay, always stage centre.
Twins birthdays but the dominant twin stole the cake and candle.
“Now here’s the plan. You girls go and distract the Monks while I make my way to the rotunda. I can then catch a few pictures before they are any the wiser…”
I know you girls are all eager to get back to the dance floor, but Harold and Garth are plan tuckered out, so, please, just pace yourselves. Remember this is only day three.
Pull out a camera and these two start posing. We stopped along the streets one day and soon several locals gathered thinking the two must be celebrities from one of the yachts parked down at the river. Well, close. It was not long before there was a massive crowd clamoring for pictures and autographs. The police had to intervene and escorted the two back to the ship…
I wonder who invented dance? It seems it is the one way we can jump up, act silly, chase each other around a hardwood floor, scream and hollar (if we wish) and walk away happy. Sometimes we wake up not feeling nearly as good as we did the night before and I am curious as to why dancing should cause one to feel that way…
“Listen, you don’t know how hard it is being ‘Elvis’ and living in Australia.”
This, of course, would be our reading group. What, no books in hand?
Could this be our lovers?
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Comments (1)
Such a wonderful group…so many great memories…Thanks for posting Harold!!