Jiquilillo, Nicaragua: Community Support Fundraiser
Photo (GNS Newsletter) (March, 2013). Cheryl Murtland and staff from SMU with another group of students at
Monty’s Surf Camp in Jiquilillo, Nicaragua. The little kids are from the nearby community of Jiquilillo.
Fireside Grill, Victoria, BC (February 6, 2014)
It was a great evening of meeting old friends and making new ones as Cheryl Murtland and others from St. Michaels University School, continued their work with another group of students as they hosted a fundraiser for the Together Works Society (1). The funds will be used to support projects in and around he remote community of Jiquilillo, Nicaragua.
Together Works Society, a Canadian non-profit Society, is the brainchild of Donald (Monty) Montgomery (2), a teacher from Parksville, British Columbia, who runs a Surf Camp near Jiquilillo on the northwest coast of Nicaragua.
Photo (Fireside Grill): A few of the many SMUS students who have diligently worked on the fundraiser.
In April, these students along with fifteen others will be travelling to Nicaragua to help with Surf Camp projects as well as taking time to savour the sun, surf and sand at the camp.
Given the -6C temperature and three centimetres of fresh snow this morning, the incentives to travel to Monty’s little hide-a-way is even more enticing.
All the best to Cheryl, other teachers and support staff as the students continue too raise funds in preparation for their big adventure. And, thank you Lucas J Copplestone for the soft sounds and Sean, Alysha, Jennifer, Kelsey and Madeline for your support. Perhaps one day Lynn and I while join the crew if you should decide to again test the waters at Monty’s while helping to build the community around Jiquilillo.
(1) Together Works Society is a Canadian non-profit founded in 2010. It was born out of the desire to support long term sustainable, community led projects taking place in Jiquillio and the surrounding communities. Ensuring projects have on going funding and support is essential to creating lasting improvement in people lives. This society is a separate entity from the US based Together Works.
(2) It was 2006, and Don Montgomery (right), a Canadian school teacher from Kamloops was on a backpacking adventure in Nicaragua. It was in the country’s northern Pacific Coast where he fell in love with the people and the untouched natural beauty.
When he reached the village of Jiquilillo, he knew he had found his second home. He had a dream a place where travellers could enjoy a simple beach life with swimming, surfing while bringing the benefits of small-scale tourism to the people of Jiquilillo. Together with his partner, Gerry Caseres (left), they built Monty’s Beach Lodge and Surf Camp, which offers a great tropical holiday and unique opportunities for all guests to assist the local community. To learn more about the impacts we’ve had, check out the Social Tourism Page.
Link to Social Tourism at Monty’s
Tags: Alysha Yakimishyn, Cheryl Murtland, Donald Montgomery, Gerry Caseres, Harold McNeill, Jennifer Ann, Jiquilillo Nicaragua, Kelsey Boorman, Lucas Copplestone, Lynn McNeill, Madeline Kemp, Monty's Beach Lodge, Monty's Surf Camp, Sean McNeill, SMUS, St. Michaels University School, Together Works Society
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