An Image Trip down Memory Lane
Google Image Search
Since opening the McNeill Life Stories Blog in late 2009, over 400 life stories and articles have been posted. Each post contains images (sometimes several) that relate to the particular post.
Google does an amazing job of indexing not only the stories, but also the images attached to the story. An interesting feature of the index is that hundreds, perhaps thousands of the indexed images can be found in one location with one search and the order of those pictures can be altered by simply changing the search parameters. Following is screen shot of one image search. You can link to this particular full set at: McLeish Chronicles + McNeill Life Stories.
As you scroll down the images you will likely find the faces of family, friends, acquaintances and others whose photo was posted. If your photo (or a group photo) appeared in a story (e.g. New Years Eve 2012), it will likely appear within the search results. Just click the photo and you will be taken to the story. Note: This is separate from the McNeill Life Stories Facebook Page.
In order to get this number of related photos combine two category names (Categories are listed on the left side of the blog). For instance, the above was search conducted using “MacLeish Chronicles + McNeill Life Stories“. Different two-category, or a category combined with McNeill Life Stories will bring up different results.
Images will not appear in date order although the most recent entries will often appear at the beginning. After going down several pages, images from other sources will begin to appear. You can tell whether it is a related story by scrolling over the top of the photo.
If you have a blog or post pictures outside Facebook, try the search technique.
Happy New Year
Sample from several pages down
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