Harlan: Movie Night – Chapter 5 of 6
Photo (FB Source). Once every couple of weeks, a man came by with his movie projector, a projector something like the one used in this photo.
Spring, 1949
When the Movie Man came to the Harlan Community Hall not far from our farm, it was a highlife for the whole community. He would set up his gas powered generator outside the hall to run the projector and we would settle in for an evening of entertainment. At 7:00 pm they would cover the windows with blankets, close the doors and the movie would flicker to life on the portable silver screen.
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It was totally fascinating as I had never watched a movie before moving to Harlan. The pictures on the screen flickered in sync with the clicking of the projector and in the light between the projector and screen the smoke from a dozen cigarettes would waft toward the ceiling. Every half hour the movie would be stopped while the reels were changed. Betty, Stan, Louise and I were fasciated.
The evening would begin with the MovieTone News followed by a cartoon. The main feature, of a type that can still be found on the classic TV Channels of today, was often a western such as Hop-a-Long Cassidy, Roy Rogers and Trigger, The Lone Ranger and many more. The opening cartoon was always a favorite of kids and adults alike and was the beginning of movie careers for cartoon characters such as Bugs Bunny, Elmer Fudd and Mickey Mouse.
Beyond the movie, Movie Night was a highlight of living in a small farming community. Almost everyone attended as it was a social event, not just a movie with strangers as it is today. We used to go early so we could meet other families and many brought picnic lunches to share.
Not much different from going to a Cineplex Odium or Silver City today, eh?
Harold McNeill
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