Facebook Photo Albums Easy Access
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Facebook Photo Albums Easy Access
Have you ever tried to locate a specific Photo Album in your Facebook files? When writing stories, as well as at times on the request of others, I have had to locate a specific photo album. If the file was a few years back, it can be a tedious process. Those who are more experienced in the technology, you may have a quicker method, but after sitting down one day in an seemingly endless search for one album in the 400 or so on my regular FB and another 150 on McNeill Life Stories FB pages, I decided to index. It took me only an 45 minutes. Given I have wasted that much time on a single search, I can now do the search in less than a minute. How?
Bookmarking: Am I just slow or what?
Starting at the top (or bottom if you wish), hover over the name of the album, and the drop down box allows you to index on your Bookmarks Page. Simple stuff I know, but until I figured this out I had wasted dozens of hours finding specific albums. Below is one same of the albums uploaded back in 2008 at Mom’s 90th Birthday Party. It is so nice just to be able to click on the specific file and be taken back six years to the exact file.
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