Happy Anniversary to My Best Friend and Life Companion
Pub in Prague, Czech Republic: Lynn gets tuned up for an evening on the town.
(Slideshow: My Friend and Life Companion)
July 28, 2013
Good Morning Lynn,
Happy Anniversary my dear.
Gosh, this will be the first year in twelve years that we have been together in Victoria for our anniversary celebration. Given the wonderful weather over the past month and the number of family visitors, it was a very good year to be at home.
Of course, last year would have been the first, but it seems I just abandoned you in favour of taking that five-year-old hell-on-wheels, Grayson, on a month-long camping trip across British Colombia, Alberta and Saskatchewan. Funny, as I recall, you said something along the lines of, “Oh dear, do I have to stay at home on my own for a whole month?” I don’t seem to recall any sadness in those words. Hmm….
By the time July 28th rolled around last year, I think Grayson, Jay, Bjorn and I were somewhere in Southern Alberta, perhaps in Medicine Hat attending the rodeo you so kindly booked for us. Yes, yes thats where we were. If I remember correctly, Bjorn, Jay and I popped a cap or two and certainly kept that wee Grayson busy keeping the fridge filled (it was very hot in Alberta). Oh, that wandering, carefree, cowboy life has a certain appeal. But, I digress.
Seems this year we have just made it by the skin of our teeth, with our pending departure in a couple of days. I guess we can justify the upcoming trip as an anniversary gift to each other. Sound Ok to you?
Now, of the many neat things (and there are a good many neat things) I could say about being married to you is your willingness to hit the trail on a moments notice and your willingness to challenge your inner most fears. I really never believed that you and that anaconda you pulled from his pen, would become buddies. Oh well, just goes to show.
It seems my premonition of twenty-nine years ago (that living with you would be a life filled with adventure) has certainly come to pass. Even that little adventure that popped into our lives on November 5 some twenty-five years ago has turned out pretty well.
Dropping that particular bit of news on me just before my retirement was, how shall I say, a bit of a life changer. Anyway, the multi-year adventure seems to be polishing off rather nicely and has certainly allowed us to spend more time exploring the world.
Whether surfing Australia, parasailing in the Swiss Alps, ski dooing in Antarctica (well, as close as we could get), rock climbing and surfing on the back of a cruise ship, zip lining in Jamaica, cuddling cute little reptiles, chasing wild pigs and crocks in Louisiana, or any of the dozens of other adventures that seem to come our way, I don’t ever recall you having shown much hesitation. Well, perhaps, on occasion, just a tad.
I think you may still have to take that leap of faith from the Stratosphere Hotel in Las Vegas if we should ever return that way. By the way there is a cute little Wedding Chapel at the base, we could renew our vows! Of course the only reason you missed the last jump is that on that particular day the boys and girls had gone their separate ways. I know how very disappointed you were.
So, in closing, I thank-you for saying “yes” that spring day some three decades back as we sat on a park bench at Willows Beach in Oak Bay having lunch while keeping a look-out for some idiots who had been causing damage in the park (or was it in that surveillance van in Brentwood Bay). Am I not the romanticist?
Love you,