Index to Biographies
This index will be completed in January 2018. Here are the first five which includes a short history for Laura Isabel Skarsen (McNeill)(Wheeler).
Laura Isabel Wheeler (McNeill)(Skarsen): A Snapshot Biography of her life:
Link to Part 1 A New Beginning
Link to part 2 The Early Years
Link to Part 3 The Young Woman
Link to Part 4 A New Beginning
Link to Part 5 The Final Chapter
Index to Family Stories 1940 -1965
Index to Family Stories 1941 -1965
October, 2014: The Index Sections are currently being updated.
(Double click photos for full size)
Full introduction to the Family Series 1940 – 1965 go to: Introduction
Welcome to McNeill Life Stories Blog: Background on Blog Development
McNeill Life Stories and Joomla Going their Separate Ways
Most recent stories at top of page:
Part VI Return to Cold Lake and the High School Years
31: Chapter 3: Cars, Girls, Rock and Roll: (1955 -1960). I was tempted to name this story “Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll”, but as for the first “what happened in Cold Lake, stayed in Cold Lake” and for the second, our drug was “liquor”. So I decided to stick with Cars and Girls as that was, and still is, a fairly potent combination. Link Here to the Cars and Girls Story
30. Chapter 2: The Silent Generation, Our High School Years: “The Silent Generation”. Seems someone made a big mistake as this chapter and the next will reveal. Link here to the “Silent Generation”
29. Chapter 1: The Journey Begins, Summer, 1953: This was one of the most difficult posts to write as it involved aspects of our family life that was beginning to fracture. We still loved each other, but sometimes love is not enough. Link to The Journey Begins
Index to Police Notebook
Index to Police Notebook
This section provides an introduction to the storylines posted over the past few years – the most recent story appears at the top. Some stories will be indexed in more than one category. While each story will ‘stand-alone’ others, particularly the shorter stories, will be added in groups of three, four or more. Feature-length stories are listed below the initial index.
Introductory Posts
1. Policing in a Land of Millionaires (September 2011): Over the century since incorporation, the Municipality of Oak Bay gained a reputation as having more millionaires per capita than any other city or town in Canada. Whether that is true or not, the Municipality certainly exudes a sense of affluence and boasts some of the most pristine waterfronts of any city or town in the country. Link Here
Photo (1994 Family Photos): During my last few months of service I was assigned to a Quick Response Team during the Commonwealth Games being held in Victoria.
2. Amalgamation: Hardly a week goes by that the Mayor of Victoria, the City Police, or the Times Colonist, is not beating the drums for amalgamating area police forces. Last week was no different as the dispute between Victoria and Esquimalt, again boiled over onto front page of the Times Colonist… Link Here
3. Harold David McNeill: About the Author (September 2011): As a thirty-year member of the Oak Bay Police (1964 – 1994) it was my intention for several years to write a series of stories about policing in Oak Bay and Greater Victoria. This post provides some background on my family, work and study life. Link Here
Index to Editorials
Most Recent at Top
(Gaps in Editorials over time indicate I was likely busy writing stories in other sections)
Posts on The 2019 Election
Left or Right: Is there a difference?
The Kings of Conservative Media
The Changing Landscape of Politics in Canada
The past as a guide to the future (Part III): Over the past 60 years, many activities the police once performed as a natural part of their daily duty, eventually became incompatible with achieving their basic goals. What happened? (August 2019)
Comparing Differing Police Cultures (Part II): What causes police departments in a close geographic area, begin to diverge in their culture. (July 2019)
Police Solidarity and the Push for Amalgamation (Part I): The first of a four-part series on policing in the Capital Region of B.C. This part reviews a history of the local forces back to 1964. (July 2019)
Canada, that which makes us one: A Ukrainian dinner, coffee at Tim Horton’s or McDonald’s, and eating a meal at one of the many ethnic restaurants within three blocks of our home. It all adds up to who we are as Canadians.
Our City: The Capital Regional District. Did you know British Columbia is the only Province in Canada where the cities, towns, municipalities, and unorganized territories, underwent amalgamation over 50 years ago? Over five years beginning in 1965, it was the most extensive series of amalgamations in the history of Canada, and it was unique in that constituent members retained the power to oversee a sizeable portion of their internal affairs. It was the best of both worlds and to this day remains a model for managing the affairs of politically and geographically diverse communities across British Columbia.
The Changing Landscape of Politics in Canada It all began in England (as all things do), it arrived in Canada when a young man from Victoria decided to work on an election campaign and it ended with an algorithm of sufficient strength to change the way we think.
Are Insurance Rates Soaring Across BC? If you are a Conservative business person and a government-mandated business holds the reins of the insurance business in BC, you need to find a way to change that. The best way to do that is to try and convince everyone the government-run business (a Crown Corporation) is costing everyone a ton of extra money. It turns out that’s not true, that BC has the best auto insurance rates in Canada.
Church and State How does Canada attempt to keep the Church and State in separate corners? To see how important this is, all we need do is look at countries where the church is in bed with the state. In the United States, it is almost impossible to get elected unless you openly express allegiance to God, even though the Constitution expressly states the two must remain separate.
R. vs Stanley: Saskatchewan Court of the Queens Bench: So, you think justice is blind and that a trial by our peers is not affected by political imperatives? Well, read on.
Intervention, the key to fighting crime: The RCMP have beefed up their efforts to identify and intervene where it is believed a young person is being drawn into a life of crime. An Assistant Commissioner in the RCMP states this is the only way to reduce the risk of young people becoming involved in a life of violent crime. (June 2017)
Creating People Friendly Communities: Is it possible to create people-friendly communities? Of course, it is, but in order to do so there will need to be a move away from cars and our city and town planning departments will need to look more closely at how people-friendly communities are created and maintained.
Illegal Aliens intercepted in Sarnia: It was a busy day for the Police and Security Service personnel as hundreds of illegal aliens from the United States made a dash for Canada.
Keep the peace and be of good behaviour: Why is it our government and security agencies continue to push millions of dollars towards mitigating the minimal danger posed by would-be home-grown terrorists and completely overlook the far greater danger posed by homegrown criminals and gangs.
Brexit: How a minority took over a country: 51% voted to leave the EU, 49% voted to stay, but did those numbers actually reflect what Britain, Scotland, Ireland and Wales really wanted?
Visions of the World This is a follow-up post to the attack in Charleston, South Carolina. Why does the United States and Canada give domestic terrorist organizations that are white based a free pass? An earlier post of this appeared on Facebook in early 2014.
Oversight of Police and Security Services: A look at Bill 51 from the perspective of a Police Sergeant who was present during the FLQ Crisis that gripped Canada in 1970 and how oversight of the RCMP Security Service failed badly. What lessons can be learne?. (October 15, 2015)
Advocating Terror to Become a Crime: While ISIS style terrorism dominates the news, Criminal Gangs and Lone Wolves of the Criminal sort pose a far greater danger to Canadians at home. The Criminal Law as it presently exists provides police and Security Services with plenty of tools to defeat those who would disrupt our society without adding dozens of terror related bills that will make things worse rather than better. (January 20, 2015)
To Live or Die: Some Hard Decisions: Can Assisted Suicide be managed in a way that will protect the vulnerable? This is another of those very difficult decisions that face Canada. The life of a world renewed scientist, Dr. Stephan Hawkings, is used as an example. (February 9, 2015)
Adventures Index
Adventures Index
This section covers a wide variety of stories. The sections will divided according to type (e.g. Big Kinosoo, Family Events, etc.). At the top of the page will appear links to the three most recent posts. Where appropriate, posts in a section will be linked together so the reader can skip directly from one to the next or back to the index.
Most Recent Posts
Big Kinosoo: Growing the Legend (November 2014): The object this introduction is ways to help the Big Kinosoo Legend grow in stature by whatever means necessary. Anecdotes, photographs, cover-us, conspiracies – they are all fair game. Link to Big Kinosoo: Growing the Legend
RAWthentic Eatery: Royal Oak (April 2014): It is always a pleasure to promote local businesses who seek to provide the best in food. While I am not always so disciplined as to stay away from other fast food, I do my best. Link to RAWthentic
Victoria Morioka Friendship Society: A Visit to Victoria: (February, 2014). While meeting and greeting many friends we have made in Japan, a highlight of the visit was several concerts presented by Miss Misaki Usuzawa, winner the Japanese New Singer of the Year Contest in 2012. Miss Usuzawa was one of those whose family was hit by the 2011 Tsunami. Link to Victoria Morioka Society
McNeill Solutions and Seaside Magazine (February 2014) Sean McNeill has now been operating his new company for just over two years. His business, E-Marketing and Web Presence. Link to the Seaside Article
Index to Travel Stories
Just give Lynn a call and whether she be in Prague (as above – taking a call) or in the outer reaches of the Wadi Rum, she will attend to your travel needs.
About Travelynn
Over the past several years, Lynn has attended to our travel planning needs as we set out to explore a small part of the world. Many of the stories, first posted on Facebook, are now being transitioned to this blog section.
Now as an Independent Travel Consultant with the Expedia CruiseShipCenters, working from home and the Bevan Street office located in Sidney, British Columbia, Lynn is providing the same excellent service to others that she has long provided to our family, friends and business associates.
Working with one of the leading travel offices on Vancouver Island, Lynn continues to expand her knowledge of the travel industry and everyone who knows her, will agree she always gives 100% to the task at hand and, for those who don’t know her, that fact will soon become apparent.
Photo (2012): Lynn working at her Cruise Desk in the Sidney Office.
For background on Lynn link to a short biography at: Life Long Learner
If you need help with your travel plans, be they by land, sea or air, just give Lynn a call at:
Work: 250-656-5441, Toll Free: 1-800-561-2350
Expedia email:,
Or visit her on the web at:
Harold McNeill
March, 2012
Index and Thumbnails follow
Welcome to McNeill Life Stories
Welcome to the McNeill Life Stories Blog
Most of the Photo Albums Linked to a story appear on the
McNeill Life Stories Facebook Page
Above Photo Taken July 2008. Laura Skarsen (McNeill) (Wheeler) surrounded by her immediate family at her 90th birthday party that was held in Cold Lake, Alberta.
Back Row (L to R): Jin An (partially hidden) and Lorin Yochim, Sean McNeill, Mark Yochim, Greg and Merle Yochim, Frank Yochim (standing behind Merle), Stephen Yochim and Pam Dong Yochim, Charlene Yochim, Krista Miron-Rabideaux (McNeill) and friend, Candice Yochim.
Second Row (L to R): Ed Walker (holding Grayson) and Kari Walker (McNeill), Jesse Rabidoux (partially hidden behind Grayson), Christine McNeill, Jay McNeill, Louise Yochim (McNeill), Skyler Yochim, Dianne McNeill, Shawna Buenaventura (Yochim), Lynn McNeill (Davis) and Harold McNeill, Karena Yochim, Stephanie Yochim, Jamie Yochim, Laura Skarsen (McNeill) (Wheeler), Ashley Price and Luna, Kelsey Yochim and Landon, Cassandra Rabidoux, Brooke Buenaventura.
Front Row (L to R): Amy Rabidoux, Sydney Buenaventura, Carmen Yochim, Connor Schumacker, Francis Buenaventura and Brody.
Not Present: Michel Payeur (work commitments) and Kaiya McNeill-Payeur (traveling Europe).
Development of the Blog
Introduction to Family Stories 1940 – 1965
Photo (July 2008)
This series of stories is dedicated to the memory of my Father and Mother
David Benjamin McNeill (1908 – 1965)
Laura Isabel Skarsen (McNeill)(Wheeler) (1918 – 2008)
Photo: Mom, in July, 2008, with her three children, thirteen grandchildren, fourteen great grandchildren and three great-great grandchildren (one present, but yet to make a personal appearance). Mom was one of ten children, dad, one of eleven and mom’s second husband, Wilfred, one of eight. With over 50 Uncles, Aunts, Step Uncles, Step Aunts, the number of Nieces, Nephews of those First Cousins beyond count and there is ample background for countless stories to be written. Following a medical anomaly in early December, 20008, Mom passed away on December 28.
Back Row (L to R): Jin An (partially hidden) and Lorin Yochim, Sean McNeill, Mark Yochim, Greg and Merle Yochim, Frank Yochim (standing behind Merle), Stephen Yochim and Pam Dong Yochim, Charlene Yochim, Krista Miron-Rabideaux (McNeill) and friend, Candice Yochim.
Second Row (L to R): Ed Walker (holding Grayson) and Kari Walker (McNeill), Jesse Rabidoux (partially hidden behind Grayson), Christine McNeill, Jay McNeill, Louise Yochim (McNeill), Skyler Yochim, Dianne McNeill, Shawna Buenaventura (Yochim), Lynn McNeill (Davis) and Harold McNeill, Karena Yochim, Stephanie Yochim, Jamie Yochim, Laura Skarsen (McNeill) (Wheeler), Ashley Price and Luna, Kelsey Yochim and Landon, Cassandra Rabidoux, Brooke Buenaventura.
Front Row (L to R): Amy Rabidoux, Sydney Buenaventura, Carmen Yochim, Connor Schumacker, Francis Buenaventura and Brody.
Not Present: Michel Payeur (work commitments) and Kaiya McNeill-Payeur (traveling Europe).