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Tragedy Narrowly Averted on Leney Place
December, 2015. Crash Scene (AP File Photo) Before anyone panics and begins speculating about what caused the crash on Leney Place last week, please read the following information outlined in another version of The Night Before Christmas. It provides a few answers that should alleviate your immediate concerns. Some think it was pilot error (as usual), but it seems the weather played a large roll.
Summary of Known Details
The True North Strong and Pot Free —– Not
The True North Strong and Pot Free —– Not
Vancouver, April 20, 2012. Over 20,000 people, the largest crowd to date, attended the Four Twenty Protest.
At 4:20 pm (precisely), a sweet smelling cloud lazily drifted over the Library and across downtown Vancouver.
Twenty thousand people just had a group toke.
It has long since been ordained that the ubiquitous Mary Jane would one day become, if not legal, at the very least a controlled substance sold in Government style Liquor Stores. Marihuana grow ops will be popping up across the country like dandelions on a newly planted lawn. Now that a few States in that bastion of extreme conservatism south of the border have begun to decriminalize the substance, can the Province of British Columbia’s five billion (that’s right five, with nine zeros) pot growing industry, be far behind? For BC this is not a trivial amount of untaxed ‘free enterprise’ money by any count.
Seeing an opportunity in this trend, Medbox Inc., a U.S. based company, is set to introduce into Canada, automatic Pot Vending Machines (PVMs) for use by those licenced to toke as permitted under the Canada Health Act (link to story). Apparently the PVMs provide easy and secure 24 hour access. Imagine, pot on demand at your nearest 7-11. It was also reported the RCMP is looking at installing machines in their remote detachments (link). City members, of course, will be able to pop by the nearest 7-11.
Rhodes, Greece: Notes
Photo: View of the acropolis from the town square in Lindros, Greece
While the historical sites on Rhodes certainly provide an amazing experience, the old town section of the city (just a 100 yards from our cruise ship gangway) provides an endless array historic street scenes. Again, as time permits, within the next few days I will write up the notes from from Rhodes. Link in to the blog at McNeill Life Stories for the full story. I will provide the link when it is complete.
Link Here for Photographs
(All photographs Posted to this Point are on McNeill Life Stories
Open Facebook Page (link above)
Patmos, Greece: Notes
Photo: The people of Patmos certainly set a happy tone for Gartb, Estber, Lynn and Harold
Patmos, Greece: Link to Photographs
The story of this amazing little Island (only 3,000 residents) will be written on the next sea break as we are currently beginning several long days in Israel.
Ephesus, Turkey: Notes
Photo: This very amphitheatre had a capacity of 24,000. When sitting in the upper part, you could hear
a penny drop on the stage below. This entire site remained undiscovered for 1500 years until a young man from
France made the discovery in the 1800s. Even following the discovery, excavation did not begin until the early 1900s.
Part 5: A Visit to the Ancient City of Ephesus
The amazing history of the Ancient City of Ephesus will be written in due course as at this time we are into a series of 12-14 hour days, so there is not much time to even review the notes of our visits.
Naples Notes
Photo of Mount Vesuvius as the MS Nautica leaves Naples harbour just as the sun
is setting. Can you imagine the destruction if the mountain erupted today?
Part 4: Mount Vesuvius Link Here for Photos
As the weather was clear and the mountain top clearly visible we opted to ascend Vesuvius, the infamous (in 79 AD at least) and now a tourist destination that, along with now extinct towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum, now attracts million of visitors every year.
The type of pressure buildup and eventual explosion that removed the top of Vesuvius seems very like that which happened at Mount St. Helens in Washington State. Today, Vesuvius is reported as being the most dangerous active volcano in the world. It has erupted hundreds of times over the past two thousand years, but the eruption on August 24, remains by far the most powerful.
Rome Notes
Plaza Del Popolo: The entrance, just two blocks from the Tibre River and four from the Vatican, was
starting point of our visit to Rome.
“When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” Well, I don’t know exactly what the Romans do that is terribly different from what we do, but whatever it was is, we certainly had fun. The sky was clear, the temperature around 20 and the crowds very light.
Our tour guide on the one-hour (plus) trip from Cittivencia to downtown Rome, set the tone with his humorous cynicism about Rome, Italian people, the Vatican and the foibles of Italian politicians and any others who came into his sights.
For instance, when passing the Vatican: “Did you know that Vatican Radio is the most powerful radio station in the world? If you put a finger up your nose and your other hand over your ear, you can hear Vatican Radio.”
Oceania Nautica: Cruise Notes
Lynn, Garth, Esther and Harold share a drink while attending a
production in the Nautica Theatre.
Barcelona to Dubai: Post 2
NOTE: December 9, 2013. We are back home safe and sound in Victoria, British Columbia after an awesome 30 days of cruise and land travel. This post will be updated with about 30-40 new photos of our cruise experience, so be patient as I work to catch up. Also, the stories for other destinations will be written in due course. It was so great meeting all of you while on the cruise and even while in Dubai (after we left the ship) we ran into a number of others who were in transit. Happy Travels….. Harold, Lynn, Garth and Esther….
Claim to Fame
The Nautica’s claim to fame, besides being a very comfortable, passenger oriented cruise ship, was being one of the few cruise ships to be attacked by Somali pirates. The attacked occurred in late November, 2008 as the ship was transiting the Gulf of Aiden.
As pirates in two skiffs attempted to run down the the ship while firing shots, Captain Jurica Brajcic and his officers immediately began evasive maneuvers and took all other prescribed precautions. After bringing the ship to flank speed, Captain Brajcic began the evasive measures which created a large wake that forced the pirates to slow. The attack occurred shortly after leaving the Port of Salalah, Oman, the same port from which Captain Philips departed on the ill fated trip of the Maersk Alabama.
We have been advised the Nautica will be taking on armed guards at some point immediately before or after leaving the Suez Canal and that we will be constantly monitored as we continue south and east along designated lanes in our transit to our final destination in Dubai. I will leave this as the top post for the time being as I am behind in the stories. Open below to link to the most recent photo albums. Additional stories will be written as time permits. (continue to photo links)
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